f.i.m recovery Help!!


Hi i just f.i.m my 4 week old plants that are in veg right now my question is how long till f.i.m recovers i f.i.m 2 days ago n see no new shoots growing yet ? Sorry Cant up load pics because im using a cell phone.


Well-Known Member
how long does it take you to heal a scabbed knee or a cut? Give it some time bro they will start to show new growth soon but not within 48 hours..patience is a virtue here


Ooh ok its just my first time thought id messd up also ,can i f.i.m after its grown a few more nodes or is it a one time thing only ??


Well-Known Member
You can FIM as much as many times as you want, just let it recover some between toppings. If your concerned toss up a photo, I know it can be tough getting close up shots since most folks just have camera phones these days.


Hbbum if you go to The forum where you post if you having problems with your plant i postd a thread with some reason workd.there its under DID I F.I.M RIGHT?


Well-Known Member
Ahh, I see, looks good to me. You wont know how may tops you got for a few more days, maybe sooner but give it some time. My current grow has new growth within 24 hours, but some can take a week+.