extra Crispy!! whats up with a few of my leaves..


Active Member
hey all.... about a 2 month old mother on a drip system.... ppm at about 1000 and ph around 6.1 ,,,,, gives me nute lock out if i go down below 5.8... anyways this plant jsut recovered from getting no water for 2 days a couple weeks ago because i forgot to turn my timer back on, anyways they recovered fine (this happened a few weeks ago)

anyways, why are a few of my leaves like this??



Active Member
it actually kind of looks like 2 different problems, in one of the pictures it looks like a bunch of yellow dots... i checked the leaves thoroughly and there is no damage to the underside or signs of parasites...

and in the other picture it shows foilage that looks like it go stained and dried up around the edges and now is all crispy and brittle when i touch it

sorry about the blurred pictures i had nothing to keep the camera stable to take the macros

