Experienced Weed Cooks Question!


Active Member
Hey guys, I know this isnt the right thread but there is a lot more activity so why not give it a shot.

I jsut made some weed oil for my brownies, now I have all the like cooked weed hash.

My Question is; What do I do with this cooked weed? Its all oily and cooked obviously lol, but what do I do with it?

If you have a step by step, that would be fucking awesome.


Active Member
I don't get it. With the oil and the green plant material together? Or what do you do with the left over plant materiel by itself? If its the latter throw it away. If its still goopy I'd run some water over it through a bubble bag or a fine strainer so you get all the oils off the leaf. The water will evaporate when you cook it in the butter. The way I make any kind of edible is to make cannabudder first. I use a crock pot (cheap 13 bucks at walmart) filled with butter bud and a bit of water heat on low covered for 2 hours and high covered for 2 hours. I only take the cover off while stirring every 15 mins or so. after I strain the plant material out pour a bit of water and squeeze the bud down so most of the butter is in the Tupperware. Let it harden over night and in the morning break the butter seal and pour the excess water out. Then you're ready to bake as normal. I don't make brownies anymore. I found butter cookies and homemade cracker type recipes to be the best because the ingredients are mostly butter. Didn't really get the question but I hope this helped.


Active Member
Forget it if you cooked it, its over. the left overs are garbage. when you heat up the weed it atavates the thc it moves into whatever medium that you cooked it in be it butter, oil or alcohol. I have found that corn muffins are the best, you don't even need to go threw the trouble of any special preps just throw the weed in. The heat and oil in the mix activates the THC and you just enjoy