Experienced closet grower looking to venure outoors...in the UK

Hi Guys,im new to RollItUp.org as a member but naturally iv been lurking and gleaning info from this site for years. Sometimes it just nice to get out and about and be flamed and abused like any other normal member!r:bigjoint:

Iv been a closet grower for nigh on 10 years give or take,always the same method,simple dirt farmer using as organic a medium as possible,some bio-bizz soil with guano,worm castings and perlite plus i through in my own vermiculite. Run 400w-600w HPS,mylar covered walls,chrome tiled floors to keep earth temps during the night,etc. Same with my nutes,ALL bio-bizz products. Im not a salesman for them or nuthin lol,just it was 1st nutes and medium i was recommended and if it aint broke dont fix it.I wont bore y'all with each type i use and all that as im sure i can include that in future grow threads.The reason iv finally ventured out of Growkind is because im no longer in a position to grow in closets at home.

Long story short but iv got custody of my son who is 5 now and at school,its just me and him and after a few run ins with the law over weed among other shit then im simply not willing to risk losing my son,no matter how gut wrenching it is to buy score bags of weed from the streets:roll:. Im a huge sativa fan although enjoy indicas immensley but sativa is without doubt my weapon of choice.But i'll grow anything that does the job.

So anyways,im rambling again as i tend to do,but iv came here because iv gleaned a lot of very useful info over the years and its always a site my fellow GKers frequent and after checking out a few others this place seems perfect for me.This is the start of a plan that wont come to fruition till the new growing season..Growkind dont have many UK members and the ones they do have grow indoors but as i have said thats no longer a viable safe option for me so im opting to learn outdoors.I know some proper professional outdoor guys and they hail from places like Oregon and other climates that aint too different to Scottish and English weather here in the UK.I always thought outdoors for us Brits was a non starter but iv been on UK420 and other sites where iv seen people do it and as iv recently relocated from cold chilly Glasgow to the warmer climate of South England im hoping i can get this on the go.So i'll be looking for outdoor growers and paying close attention to tips. Im so used to growing in an environment where i control all the elements and variables and im worried that its gonna be harder outdoors but im assured as long as i watch out for critters and rippers then its just as easy as i find indoor growing so 2013is the year of the outdoor garden for me.Any help along the way will be greatly appreciated.:cool:

Lastly i'd just like to say its good to be here,its a forum everyone is aware of and if im gonna venture out of my hometown Growkind then this seems the right place for me.Its bigger so im hoping more outdoor growers from more climates similar to mine,maybe even more Brits?Iv grown a ton of great strains and again i wont bore y'all with a list but smoking and growing weed has been a lifestyle for 21years,well smoking has,the cultivating is only the last 10 years.Anyways good to be among like minded people and i look forward to learning from the outdoor guys.Iv served my indoor apprenticeship at GK and while i still remain a mmber and moderator there im broadening my horizons to ensure i cover all my angles for this coming seasons outdoor grow.Im hoping we have more than 2 Brits on here which is all we have on GK as its a predominantly American site with a swiss member and an american Japanese member,maybe a few Canadians but i need advice from people in similar climates.Iv plenty time till growing season so im gonna soak up as much of the forum as i can and then pick your brains.Glad to be here and hope to cultivate some good online buds here just as i have at GK over the last 6 years.Cheers:leaf:



Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="The Apprentice";8438968]Hi Guys,im new to RollItUp.org as a member but naturally iv been lurking and gleaning info from this site for years. Sometimes it just nice to get out and about and be flamed and abused like any other normal member!r:bigjoint:

Iv been a closet grower for nigh on 10 years give or take,always the same method,simple dirt farmer using as organic a medium as possible,some bio-bizz soil with guano,worm castings and perlite plus i through in my own vermiculite. Run 400w-600w HPS,mylar covered walls,chrome tiled floors to keep earth temps during the night,etc. Same with my nutes,ALL bio-bizz products. Im not a salesman for them or nuthin lol,just it was 1st nutes and medium i was recommended and if it aint broke dont fix it.I wont bore y'all with each type i use and all that as im sure i can include that in future grow threads.The reason iv finally ventured out of Growkind is because im no longer in a position to grow in closets at home.

Long story short but iv got custody of my son who is 5 now and at school,its just me and him and after a few run ins with the law over weed among other shit then im simply not willing to risk losing my son,no matter how gut wrenching it is to buy score bags of weed from the streets:roll:. Im a huge sativa fan although enjoy indicas immensley but sativa is without doubt my weapon of choice.But i'll grow anything that does the job.

So anyways,im rambling again as i tend to do,but iv came here because iv gleaned a lot of very useful info over the years and its always a site my fellow GKers frequent and after checking out a few others this place seems perfect for me.This is the start of a plan that wont come to fruition till the new growing season..Growkind dont have many UK members and the ones they do have grow indoors but as i have said thats no longer a viable safe option for me so im opting to learn outdoors.I know some proper professional outdoor guys and they hail from places like Oregon and other climates that aint too different to Scottish and English weather here in the UK.I always thought outdoors for us Brits was a non starter but iv been on UK420 and other sites where iv seen people do it and as iv recently relocated from cold chilly Glasgow to the warmer climate of South England im hoping i can get this on the go.So i'll be looking for outdoor growers and paying close attention to tips. Im so used to growing in an environment where i control all the elements and variables and im worried that its gonna be harder outdoors but im assured as long as i watch out for critters and rippers then its just as easy as i find indoor growing so 2013is the year of the outdoor garden for me.Any help along the way will be greatly appreciated.:cool:

Lastly i'd just like to say its good to be here,its a forum everyone is aware of and if im gonna venture out of my hometown Growkind then this seems the right place for me.Its bigger so im hoping more outdoor growers from more climates similar to mine,maybe even more Brits?Iv grown a ton of great strains and again i wont bore y'all with a list but smoking and growing weed has been a lifestyle for 21years,well smoking has,the cultivating is only the last 10 years.Anyways good to be among like minded people and i look forward to learning from the outdoor guys.Iv served my indoor apprenticeship at GK and while i still remain a mmber and moderator there im broadening my horizons to ensure i cover all my angles for this coming seasons outdoor grow.Im hoping we have more than 2 Brits on here which is all we have on GK as its a predominantly American site with a swiss member and an american Japanese member,maybe a few Canadians but i need advice from people in similar climates.Iv plenty time till growing season so im gonna soak up as much of the forum as i can and then pick your brains.Glad to be here and hope to cultivate some good online buds here just as i have at GK over the last 6 years.Cheers:leaf:

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welcome to rui ;)
I agree with drgrow! Autos are your best best for outdoor UK grows. Our day/night hours are not suited enough to finish photo's on time. With autos you can get a few harvests out of our (ahem) summertime lol. You could probly manage a normal photo plant grow but imagine growing your ladies for 6 months for them to then not finish due to poor autumn light and early frosts....I'd be devastated. As a grower who also is a UK outdoor grower my choice is autos, ak47, Iranian short flower are big yeilders and perform well in our climate.
Interesting how when you travel to different forums you come across different favored methods. Iv seen new guys introduce themselves and the say they grow autoflowers and sometimes you hear the old timers snigger or chortle a little in a playful way.But its always went over my head as iv never grown them pr researched hem much but i will now

.Iv grown an outdoor strain indoors once:dunce: and thats as close to outdors as iv got ,lol.It ws purple#1 from dutch passion i believe ,back in the day. Iv seen some recent amazing lemonberry grows outdoors,im talking mouthwatering.Its a guy from Oregon nice secluded set up in the hills and he hasnt posted much before but stone me his 1st grow pics blew me and half the other tuys away.Hes PM'd me saying the Oregon temps and weather can be similar to UK weather.In Scotland i wouldbnt even have attempted to grow outsoors,just too clld although i kniow an ld timer who grows 3 huge greenhouses of grapefruit as a constant grow but hes out in the sticks of he radar.But snce cming soth im seeing guys doing it on allotmenys and shit so as its my only viable option w ith the least chance of catching some heat,its my only hope to get back to my craft and stop throwing my money at other,someimes weaker growers who half the time dont take interest in what strains they even have on the go.

I pride myself in finding out everything there is to know abpt the traits and parentage genetics of any strains i grow. So i'll put my heart and soul into it prolly more so than closet grows which id become complacent with.Im predominantly here cos iv seen some good outdoor growers and im at the research stage before i start to invest.I just worry about a situation where too many elements are outwith my control,a lot more variables to consider.Although the guys i have PM'd about it assure me it aint much different,just watch out for bugs and keep up the foliar spraying,etc. Anyways i look forward to discussing my options the more informed i becomee on my new project.