Exodus Cheese A.K.A. UK Original Cheese


Well-Known Member
And if anyone is wondering when dr greenthumbs seeds are available its april ! Emailed the dr and that was his reply .


Well-Known Member
no seeds of exodus or seeds of any clone only ever match up to the origanal
I think there are a few people who would disagree with you there man . Maybe not in the cheese side but i know raskal is dropping some kush seeds like you wont belive my friend. Raskals og seeds are like hot cakes in eithopia .


Well-Known Member
I think there are a few people who would disagree with you there man . Maybe not in the cheese side but i know raskal is dropping some kush seeds like you wont belive my friend. Raskals og seeds are like hot cakes in eithopia .
sorry im being ignorent i only have experience with the cheese side


i'm a member at another site where there is a member named rockster.. he has started a seed company named kaliman seeds, and the backbone of his company is his exodus cheese regular seeds..
i've seen a lot of members on that site grow his cheese out, and everyone of them says its is legit..
he got the regular seeds cuz he said that one of his plants reversed sex or something along those lines.. i don't know about all of that tbh, but from what i've read, his cheese is bomb..
the attitude is carrying his gear now, but the cheese is sold out as this time.. not sure if you can get it anywhere else atm..
Thanks going to enquire into these.