Exodus Cheese 8 Plants 6.5x6.5ft Grow 2200 Watts :P

Hey all i am about to start adding updates to this grow i am 2 weeks into the flowering cycle at the moment. The girls were vegged for 4 weeks.

The strain is Exodus Cheese from GHS Company.

They were all feminized seeds and to be fair i wanted to see how these seeds would compare to the original UK cheese EX cut.

If you would like to follow along while i post updates through the flowering phase that would be great to hear your feedback.

All girls are in 5 gallon buckets with 20% Perlite.

Im also using the Hard water version of the Plant Magic Plus range i would also recommend any UK grower to look into this range Plant Magic Grow, Plant Magic Bloom, Plant Magic Bloom Booster, Plant Magic Bio-Silicon, and also the Rooting Granules are amongst the nutrients i will be using.

Very basic but we will see what we can achieve :)


Well-Known Member
i have tried several phenos of the ghs exo and i have even smoked it from their shop.
it is nice but definately missing something on the flavour side of things. i also found it to be very sativa in the high where as my cheese is more of a hybrid with a lot of body behind it.

the exo from ghs is very very earthy, mossy and woody, it reminds me of an old shed kind of smell. the proper cheese also has a fruity/ sweet note to it that the ghs version seems to be lacking. the thing with seeds is though you can get some real special phenotypes that nobody else has, good luck growing them.
i have tried several phenos of the ghs exo and i have even smoked it from their shop.
it is nice but definately missing something on the flavour side of things. i also found it to be very sativa in the high where as my cheese is more of a hybrid with a lot of body behind it.

the exo from ghs is very very earthy, mossy and woody, it reminds me of an old shed kind of smell. the proper cheese also has a fruity/ sweet note to it that the ghs version seems to be lacking. the thing with seeds is though you can get some real special phenotypes that nobody else has, good luck growing them.
yeah there are a few different phenos ive come across some with alot of white hairs and some seem to be swelling up real fast
what cheese would you recomend and how would you rate the GHS cheese out of 10..
also on one of my plants it seems to be shedding all the fan leaves and only leaves its really holding on to are the ones with buds attached?
one of the phenos has gigantic buds already almost the size of a coke can in week 5 from 12/12 i may have to reveg that plant if it produces a seriously high yeild


Well-Known Member
well the best ghs exo i tried was the one in their shop funnily enough, all the ones i have tried from other growers have been lacking resin and potency. i would rate it about 6 out of 10 but i must also mention i've never had anything i would consider to be a 10 so 6 is pretty high.

the original cheese cutting is obviously my fav but i have had a few decent cheese crosses in the past, my fav being the cheesequake from TGA, very very resinous compared to the original with an added hint of muskiness, sweet smelling too. i would say you could easily get a decent pheno from a 5 pack.

with regards to the plant dropping all of it's leaves i would imagine that will be pretty close to the original just from the fact that it is a heavy feeder. my cheese will take anything you can throw at it and beg for more, miss one dose of nutes and she will drop every fan leaf concentrating on bud development, it also grows uncontrollably bushy and has very weak stems.
its funny you should say that ... it looked the best plant and its the one i cloned as it was spitting out mass ammounts of trichomes before any of the others even had a look in.... i was thinking it was a ph problem but its the only plant thats doing it i may try giving it a very heavy feeding as all the other plants have very minor nute burn but this plant just didnt burn anywhere and decided to shed all of its leaves........ im baffledd
well the best ghs exo i tried was the one in their shop funnily enough, all the ones i have tried from other growers have been lacking resin and potency. i would rate it about 6 out of 10 but i must also mention i've never had anything i would consider to be a 10 so 6 is pretty high.

the original cheese cutting is obviously my fav but i have had a few decent cheese crosses in the past, my fav being the cheesequake from TGA, very very resinous compared to the original with an added hint of muskiness, sweet smelling too. i would say you could easily get a decent pheno from a 5 pack.

with regards to the plant dropping all of it's leaves i would imagine that will be pretty close to the original just from the fact that it is a heavy feeder. my cheese will take anything you can throw at it and beg for more, miss one dose of nutes and she will drop every fan leaf concentrating on bud development, it also grows uncontrollably bushy and has very weak stems.
and that is the actual plant i took the picture of aswell.. in the picture the plant was actully in the bath as i thought i had a ph lockout and gave her a big flush....


New Member
im currently doing my first grow and decided on starting with exo cheese original cuttings ive got 12 under 3 600w lights im using 30l buckets with playgron bat mix but im also using the plant magic grow and bloom with the boost as well ive just started week 6 in flowering ive found some of the plants buds are swelling faster than others il try get some pics of mine to compare. yours are looking very good though


Well-Known Member
i'm sure xaviers plants are now all smoked up, or getting there lol.

when you grow from seed odyssey every plant is different, kind of like brothers and sister, sure you may be able to tell they are related but they all have their own individual traits. some finish faster, some grow taller, some smell more etc etc.

you should have taken cuttings of them all and kept whichever one you liked the best, then you know what you are going to get every time which makes life a lot easier!.


New Member
cheers for the reply all the cuttings were from the same mother i also had enough space for all 12 so kept them all i was curious wether the ones that were swelling faster would be done quicker than some of the others or would they all be done at the same time theyre an 8 week flower so only got 3 weeks left i also heard the buds really put on the weight in the last few weeks of flowering is this true?


Well-Known Member
it should really pack on the weight the last two weeks yeah, just don't expect to harvest dead on 8 weeks, i usually like to take it a bit longer for added yield and potency


New Member
ok sweet i was told when the majority of the pistils are turning brown and the trichomes are leaning over and cloudy she is ready to chop


Well-Known Member
if i were you i'd wait til every single hair is fully browned and the plants stop drinking. people will be shocked at what a noob can produce. they won't believe it's your first time.

you will notice added smell/ taste and potency not to mention the extra weight from leaving it an extra week.