Exiting Pre Flower Good Quality Pics Please Help 1 Def Female Others Dunno


Well-Known Member
I have 3 pants @ 42 days old, all showing sex:hump:, can't tell which sex 2 are,

maybe male but i'm not that experienced. One has gotta be a ho, 1 hair
sticking out of her nickers... yipee :blsmoke: that makes me soooo happy cos she is

the one with the triple sets of leaves for past 5 or 6 sets, lots o
budddddddddddd :joint: :mrgreen: :joint: :hump: :mrgreen: :joint: :mrgreen: :joint: Have a look at tell me

your thouhgts everyone and anyone... well almost anyone, if you think

they're stipules then... :roll:



Well-Known Member
hoochie....where do you get those stones in you pots. i have been to every garden center in the UK and never found any :D

and whats a 'stipule'


Well-Known Member
My 3 plants are officially ladies, see if you tell the sex of these pics closet cult :hump:

The rocks are callled hydroton, need to go to a hydro shop and about $40 for a big bag