Exhaust Fan Question

I'm building a box that will be about 2'x4x'4' with a 4' 6 bulb T5.. Pretty much everything is coming together except the exhaust and carbon filter. I'll likely be making the DIY zen filter but an wonder about the fan. I know the vortex inline is the best way to go but it's $$$ so I was thinking of either a 4" ecoplus inline fan, stanley blower, or an active air blower.

Anyone have any experience with these in terms of volume, performance, ease of use, or reliability?

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
If all you are going to run are T5's then that will be enough. FWIW I think that is the exact fan I have.

For that price you could get 2.

Now if the air you are bringing in is 100* then nothing will be enough.