exhaust, cooling and filtering a closet


Well-Known Member
here it is, all done. and the reason ive been absent lately
looks pretty good, how well does it work for you? how are you hooking this all up to a thermostat? my first thought and suggestion, have the inline fan on the left run constantly while the lights are on, so there is always at least a little air moving in the cool tubes. when it gets to warm in the room, I would have a thermostat on the blower on the right to kick the exhaust output up to full power and pull the heat out. just my suggestion. left fan on/off with lights, right fan on room thermostat.


Active Member
i went back to origional designs...lol! i put in a seperate intake, made sure it was outside of the grow area so it will be fresh clean air for the lights, and im using the can fan to suck the air through my two cool tubes and exhausting all the heat into the attic.

now what to do about 20 budding plants all of them in 4 different stages of growth from freshly rooted cutting, to buds getting flushed waiting to cut and replace.

Now im dealing with smell and heat, i want to ask you experts, will a active air 265cfm squerrl cage fan sucking air through a can filter 2600( its a 4" filter, rated at 54cfm.) my question is will it really take care of the smell by pulling the air through the filter JUST THE ONCE and then exhaust into the attice, because i have alot of vents up there, and i dont wanna smell weed out on the sidewalk. should I just let the fan scrub the air at all times circulating air through the grow area, cleaning the air over and over, and invest into another exhaust fan? im worried thats over kill... and unessicary

im going to get an ozone generator for the room the grow closet is in and that should make it pretty hard to smell in the house, im worried about exhausting the grow room, i wanna make sure its clean.