Exclusive: Two women accused Herman Cain of inappropriate behavior

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
Sadly, this guy is going to be the Republican candidate for president.
Why? Because the Republican party is realizing that it will be easier to bad mouth Obama through a black candidate, instead of a white one.
Herman Cain will be socially allowed to call out Obama in different ways then McCain ever would have been allowed.
Black on black violence for president in 2012!

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
Sadly, this guy is going to be the Republican candidate for president.
Why? Because the Republican party is realizing that it will be easier to bad mouth Obama through a black candidate, instead of a white one.
Herman Cain will be socially allowed to call out Obama in different ways then McCain ever would have been allowed.
Black on black violence for president in 2012!
Romney is the choice of the Republican establishment. They are backing him with millions in campaign funds. The Democrats would like Romney as the Republican candidate as well. Why? Because Romney is a big government Republican, no different than a big government Democrat. Also, the Democrats have built up a huge Black constituency by selling them the idea that Blacks benefit by staying on the Federal Plantation ... and that place upon the Plantation depends upon them voting for Democrats. Cain threatens that.

Both the Republican and Democrat establishments will try their best to destroy Cain. A good example of why would be Cain's promise to revamp our entire tax code. The facts are, a tremendous amount of lobbying groups, politicians and crony capitalists benefit greatly from the tax code as it stands. In fact, they lobby to not only keep it in place, but to also expand it. The tax code is 77,000 pages long, chock filled with loopholes to benefit special interests. Cain wants to eliminate all of that. Therefore, the attempt at another "High Tech Lynching."



Well-Known Member
Romney is the choice of the Republican establishment. They are backing him with millions in campaign funds. The Democrats would like Romney as the Republican candidate as well. Why? Because Romney is a big government Republican, no different than a big government Democrat. Also, the Democrats have built up a huge Black constituency by selling them the idea that Blacks benefit by staying on the Federal Plantation ... and that place upon the Plantation depends upon them voting for Democrats. Cain threatens that.

Both the Republican and Democrat establishments will try their best to destroy Cain. A good example of why would be Cain's promise to revamp our entire tax code. The facts are, a tremendous amount of lobbying groups, politicians and crony capitalists benefit greatly from the tax code as it stands. In fact, they lobby to not only keep it in place, but to also expand it. The tax code is 77,000 pages long, chock filled with loopholes to benefit special interests. Cain wants to eliminate all of that. Therefore, the attempt at another "High Tech Lynching."

NOW it's ok to play the race card?



Well-Known Member
in cae no one has heard, it is now up to 3 claims of harassment (2 of them with 10 figure settlement payouts) as well as a witness to said harassment and a conservative radio talk show host who said that cain made his staff uncomfortable with the same MO of inappropriate language and suggestive gestures.


Well-Known Member
Well.. Perry down, Cain down.. Nobody likes Romney either, they stomach him. Who will be the next to rise through the ranks at Romney? Having 75% of voters against you makes you a pretty week front runner.


Well-Known Member
Well.. Perry down, Cain down.. Nobody likes Romney either, they stomach him. Who will be the next to rise through the ranks at Romney? Having 75% of voters against you makes you a pretty week front runner.
maybe the turtle fucker will have a month on top before his eventual fall?


New Member
Cain can never beat Obama, the republicans have lost their mind.

The corporate media is all over Mr. Cain and supporting him on the right. I can see it clearly Cain is the establishment pick, not romney, Romney's money comes from liberal superpacs and himself. The republican's have clearly picked Herman Cain even in the aftermath of this. If they convince voters to pull for Cain then Obama will be the next president unless Ron Paul runs libertarian and a third party actually wins, I think Ron Paul as a third party could still stand a chance, its going to be very different then any other previous 3rd party candidate. I'm still not counting out Ron Paul for winning the Republican Nomination yet....he still stands a good chance.


Well-Known Member
Cain will never meet Obama in debate. There is too much dirt on him as well as the possibility of campaign fraud.


Active Member
It be 3 wenches (no disrespect intended) accusing him now, at this rate it will end up like the Tiger Woods story.. =)

1. a country lass or working girl: The milkmaid was a healthy wench.
2. Usually Facetious. a girl or young woman.
3. Archaic. a strumpet.


New Member
The controversy took on an even sharper political tone Wednesday when Cain blamed a consultant with ties to Texas Gov. Rick Perry's campaign for leaking information over the sexual harassment allegations.


New Member
In his description of the event to the radio station KTOK, Wilson said "I was the pollster at the National Restaurant Association when Herman Cain was head of it, and I was around a couple of times when this happened and anyone who was involved with the NRA at the time, knew that this was going to come up."

On the radio, he predicted "if she (the alleged victim) comes out and talks about it, like I said, it'll probably be the end of his campaign."


Well-Known Member
Willyßagseed;6563656 said:
It be 3 wenches (no disrespect intended) accusing him now, at this rate it will end up like the Tiger Woods story.. =)

1. a country lass or working girl: The milkmaid was a healthy wench.
2. Usually Facetious. a girl or young woman.
3. Archaic. a strumpet.
Tiger Tiger Woods Yall :D

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Cain is out of the running. He may not think so but there is no way he can survive this. His best strategy right now is to cut his losses and get out of the race. Three separate accusations of sexual harassment, campaign finance fraud, his complete ignorance about foreign policy, 9/9/9, and his flippant antagonist views of the middle class make him unmarketable as a candidate.

Maybe this will boost his book sales.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Who was that guy that was saying Romney would win the nomination three months ago? Oh yeah....



Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Romney is the choice of the Republican establishment. They are backing him with millions in campaign funds. The Democrats would like Romney as the Republican candidate as well.

The democrats want Cain, Bachmann, or Perry because they are clearly easier to beat than Romney.