Examples of GOP Leadership


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Donald Rumsfeld: Former secretary of defense dies at 88 - CNNPolitics

Donald Rumsfeld, former secretary of defense, dies at 88
CNN)Donald Rumsfeld, the acerbic architect of the Iraq war and a master Washington power player who served as US secretary of defense for two presidents, has died at the age of 88.

The pugnacious businessman, bureaucrat and former lawmaker helped drag victims out of the burning Pentagon on September 11, 2001. The al Qaeda attacks heralded the War on Terror and years of foreign entanglements that he directed and that ultimately ended his political career when they went sour.

Rumsfeld died surrounded by his family in "his beloved Taos, New Mexico," according to a family statement. No cause of death was immediately provided.

A long-time associate of former Vice President Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld made a shock return to the Cabinet when he was named to run the Pentagon by the inexperienced new President George W. Bush, who took office in January 2001.
He had previously served in the role for President Gerald Ford in the 1970s and history will remember him as the youngest and the second-oldest defense secretary.


Well-Known Member
McCarthy threatens to strip any GOP member of their committee assignments if they accept an offer from Pelosi to serve on 1/6 commission.
and i thought MTG was a shoe-in..she's looking for a committee. i heard it was a threat that they'd seat her..MarjorieTG C'mon down! (Old Price is Right) i guess they re-thought the threat.

Nancy is determined to make it Bi-Partisan and seat Righties.
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Nancy has the power to veto any Republican pick. MTG would most definitely be vetoed.

Speaking of MTG, I sure hope Biden has that Wuhan report she wanted completed. Today is June 31st.
oooooh noo no no..Nancy WANTS her. maybe we can get 6-shooter Boebert + Mom to be seated as well.


Well-Known Member
Even worse, his image destroyed. If only there were a video somewhere of him blowing a 16yo black kid.
that's a coward who has to drug someone for sex..I wonder what Camille thinks of her nasty husband:spew:

what does this say about Camille? the knowledge that her husband preferred drugged white woman over her.
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Well-Known Member
In case anybody asks …… Fuck Trump.
Hopefully this chipping away at his cronies and organization crimes finally get that fat orange baboon
in 5x size jumpsuit . Now that would be a national holiday.

we already have one; Independence Day.

yuge crowd, is that 10 or 20?

yesterday he was in a small conference room and nobody showed so it was cancelled..like he walked in, saw no one and walked out.:lol: