Every thing was sweet +rep for info


Well-Known Member
So everything was going well, plants where coming on beutifully, i got three female out of four and as it was my first time, i have over vegged them so i have three monsters.

Then it happen, one of my boys turned the cicuit breaker off at my grow room so i lost light for three hours when they where supoosed to be on.

Then today (5 days later) the timer blew so the light went 24 hours for a couple of days i think, so i imagine that it put them back into veg.

Everything has been going amazing and this shit started, do you think these plants will be alright and how tollerent are they with shit like this:confused:.

Love the forum by the way, all the help that people get is brilliant, i do try and give out advice but being a noob it is hard, i am a electrician so any problem with electrics i will probably be able to help even though i am from the uk.

Please dont read this and not post, i know how this forum works with rep (unlike a lot of people).


Well-Known Member
First I most say reading that sucked. I'm color blind and could barely see it.

As for you questions.... IMO

The first problem wouldn't have made any difference.

The second could have side effects. But should be ok. It probably wasn't long enough to send it back into veg. Those are the types of things that could stress it out, and cause hermies. Not that it will, just wanted to put it out there.

Good luck with your grow!!


Active Member
It takes quite a while to revert to veg.

They should be alright, try to keep the light at a steady 12/12 from here on out. Too much light stress could hermie the poor ladies and you end up with Clay Aiken plants.

Good luck. :hump:


Well-Known Member
So everything was going well, plants where coming on beutifully, i got three female out of four and as it was my first time, i have over vegged them so i have three monsters.

Then it happen, one of my boys turned the cicuit breaker off at my grow room so i lost light for three hours when they where supoosed to be on.

Then today (5 days later) the timer blew so the light went 24 hours for a couple of days i think, so i imagine that it put them back into veg.

Everything has been going amazing and this shit started, do you think these plants will be alright and how tollerent are they with shit like this:confused:.

Love the forum by the way, all the help that people get is brilliant, i do try and give out advice but being a noob it is hard, i am a electrician so any problem with electrics i will probably be able to help even though i am from the uk.

Please dont read this and not post, i know how this forum works with rep (unlike a lot of people).
Dont sweat it bro.


Active Member
Ah bummer man :(

You didnt say how long in flower they were before this all started and wether you went back to 12/12 or veg lights after this happened.

Anyways they will live fine, but you prolly just upped the chance of them going hermie, but its impossible to tell you exactly what will happen. Some plants may tolerate this if early in flowers others hate even the slightest interuption.

Considering where your at, best imo is to just try grow em out and lookout for the hermie signs.

Best of luck man.


Well-Known Member
Your biggest worry would be hermies. If that doesn't happen...there is nothing else to even consider.