Evade Swap Drug Test?


Active Member

I got busted growing in December, anyway I now have to take a swab test every week which is tested for cannabis for 12 months. I have been doing this for 4 months, and have 2 months left. If I now get negatives for 2 months then I don't have to go there for the remaining 6 months.

I go to Amsterdam in early May, this is never going to happen. Does anybody know a way to get around this?


Well-Known Member
Drink Beer.. Do the time and try to keep your head down so the Man doesn't make law enforcement profits at your expense.


Active Member
Dude I go to Amsterdam with 8 smokers, its not going to be possible for me to not smoke any bud when I have menu's with hundreds of strains on.

Need to find away to swerve these tests, drinking beer is no substitute for me.


Well-Known Member
Then telling people in public places like this when you could go to jail is the wrong political discussion to have IMO.

Sometimes to have cannabis in our lives we must forgo cannabis in our lives.

It takes me about 20 days to test 100% clean so you may be young and 10 days is all you need. Good luck.