Estimated finishing time?


Active Member
I've been flowering this G-13 for almost 5 weeks. I have read that it is a 6 week strain but it doesn't look like it will be finishing in that time. How many weeks would you guess I have left. The leaves are gone on the bottom because of a powdery mildew problem. Sorry about the quality of the pictures. Photo on 2010-11-08 at 11.07.jpgPhoto on 2010-11-08 at 11.06 #2.jpgPhoto on 2010-11-08 at 11.06.jpg


Well-Known Member
most strains are 8-10 weeks but you can buy one of those little microscopes and look at your tric's and when they are just turning from milky white to amber is when you should chop, make sure you use plain water the last 2 weeks