Erotic Strains?


Well-Known Member
I'm planning to grow for my wife and I.
I'm looking for a strain that will just enhance our senses so to speak.

Any recommendations as to which strain or strains are best for foreplay/sex?

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
My wife is not much of a smoker but she LOVES Kali Mist. I can't say it makes your senses more sensitive but it does make my wife get nekkid and run around the house. :lol: It is truely the only strain she will smoke.


Active Member
ive seen something related to kali mist and getting chicks naked in a post befor.... i would go with personal experience with the strain


Well-Known Member
Kali Mist is supposed to have that effect but not sure if the newer, slightly indica KM is that way. I think all weed helps with sex but I would like to find one that is tops at it.

FWIW, there's a little seedbank in holland that claims to have a strain that specifically enhances sex.

I emailed them and they claim in fact it does enhance sex but they didn't elaborate, so who knows.
Hemcy Seed Company

Check out Alpha Bud. I believe they ship to the US.


Well-Known Member
ya I think I may try that Alpha Bud out. Once I get comfortable growing this dirt seed to test out how to grow. I think I'll invest in that stuff.
That might be fun.
Thanks for the feedback


Well-Known Member
I wanted to bump this again. I'm finally getting ready to order.
I really want to get that alpha bud to try, but have not found enough enough info on hemcy to warrant an order from them.
What other strains might fit the bill?

That sensi star is looking attractive.
I think indica dom is the way go.

Any other ideas? Thanks


Well-Known Member
I dunno about you guys, but anytime I smoke any strain of pot it "enhances my senses." You really need to get some female input since I would assume getting the wife in the mood would be the #1 priority, haha. Would be for me at least.


Well-Known Member
ok, ive never even consider smoking weed to enhances my senses on that...but when i smoked blue widow from dinafem which i got as a free from the tude it opened a senses like i was still in HS.


Well-Known Member
I think it's all a state of mind! If you tell your ol' lady "hey baby, let's try this bud out. They said it's supposed to 'increase our desire'" or something along those lines, and it's already some fire smoke, then it's highly likely she'll get "aroused" just sitting there all stoned *thinking* about what you said about getting aroused!
See. Now I'm getting aroused thinking about smoking a joint w/ a woman and her getting aroused after we finish because of what I said!


Well-Known Member
I think it's all a state of mind! If you tell your ol' lady "hey baby, let's try this bud out. They said it's supposed to 'increase our desire'" or something along those lines, and it's already some fire smoke, then it's highly likely she'll get "aroused" just sitting there all stoned *thinking* about what you said about getting aroused!
See. Now I'm getting aroused thinking about smoking a joint w/ a woman and her getting aroused after we finish because of what I said!
Haha, that's actually a great idea. The placebo effect is quite powerful.


Active Member
Not sure how available it is, I think it may be a local cross but I absolutely love it. General Orange, it's Herijuana x Agent Orange. Always sets the mood, and before you know it, hours have ticked off the clock and you wonder where they went ... into the void I suppose. Quite intense off the bat, not quite paranoid, just sharp like a razor, lift off... then it fades into a cozy couch like hug, yet there not in the couch lock sense... Still motivational, still upbeat. It's definitely errotic. A real sense enhancer rather than duller. You really wanna pay attention to every little detail. The Sativa and Indica expression is quite apperent in the cross. Has an Orange cleaner scent and flavor, a tad bit of lemon citrus.
