Envirolites Sucks and is a HPS 70W Flood Light Sufficient?


Active Member
Yeh so from anyone whose tried or anyone who knows, would a flood light hps 70w actually work for the flowering phase.

Im only growing two plants in a small space, i was originally going to use the envirolite after reading some good hype on rollitup but when i rang up my local hydro shop they said theyve stopped selling the envirolite red for budding cos it was just shit and wasnt working. They said that the blue one is fine for vegetating but red for flowering was poor... so yeh, whats another solution for me?

I cant have a hefty electricity bill, is there nothing else i could use for budding that wuold be more efficient than an HPS but still quite effective?

Safe for helping


Well-Known Member
On a watt for watt and dollar for dollar basis HPS gives the most light. The 150 would be the minimum I'd start with, and two of them at that. That's really only enough light for just a small cabinet grow.

More than that, get a 400hps or larger. The bigger the light, the more efficient and more lumens per watt.

The cfl's work, but not as well as HPS.


Active Member
yeh guess that proves me wrong, envirolite looks successful, the shop must of got complaints about their effectiveness. May buy one now

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
wish i had some pics of my grows using envirolites to show you .
they certainly dont suck , i think the guy at the hydro shop was trying to sell you something he actualy had in stock, instead of having to order you something in .


Active Member
Ive decided to buy 4 Compact Fluorescent Energy Saving Bulbs, 20w each, just because they cost like £4 each, really cheap to run, theres no need for a ballast which then means i really only need a small desk fan to air my small cupboard cos they give off minimal amounts of heat and yeh i think it will be sufficient in vegging two plants if they are surrounded by them (can be much closer to the plant than with an MH) I'll have to check they're cool white, does anyone know any hardware stores (live in london if that helps)
that sell distinctively cool white and warm light... and dyou reckon my method would actually work??/


Well-Known Member
People grow with cfl's all the time. Four 20w cfl's will veg two little plants, but just expect to grow more for show than anything else. If that's all you use you might get 1/8th dry off each one.

I would suggest if you are going to use cfl's at least get enough of them. For two plants I'd use a 2' area with five 42w cfl's, a mix of daylight and warm. Veg to 8" of leaf growth and finish under 1.5'. I would expect over an ounce each in that situation, could be well over two. You'd need a fan to exhaust it just like you will with four 20w cfls', No fan and you'll cook anything in there. In fact since you have to have a fan regardless, the heat that different lights put off is a completely moot point but anyway there you go that's my 2 cents.


Active Member
I am using both a 600W hps with a 250W red CFL as supplement for flowering, and the ladies are doing fine.

The advantage of using a CFL is the temp wont get too high, especilly in a small grwoing space. because they dont produce as mucg heat as a HPS ,you could have the CFL within inches from the top of the plants. ( useful if there is a constriant regarding the height availble in your grow space)


Active Member
5 42w? isnt it worth just buying a 200w HPS instead? which one would cost more for electricity? obviously my plant would be much nice under hps but its gona cost cost cost.
ive got a picture of the cupboard im growing in, its quite tall but doesnt go very far back.
You can see one of the flo tubes at the very back that i might use, i think its like 23 watts and its a warm colour light.

I like the ease of using CFL's cos you dont need a ballast and i can actually buy them in like a local shop (Maplins or something). Ordering bulbs online is a bit long so im swinging the CFL way but im also tempted by the envirolight now after seeing that crop grown under it lol its so hard to decide ahhhhhhhh

Anyone know a store in london that sells high wattage cfls?

thanks for all this help btw


Well-Known Member
Yea i would try to find some 42w cfls if you can. The $20 150w hps is the best for the space, money, and efficiency


Active Member
im gona run a new thread on growing with a HPS Floodlight. I found a 250 watt one for £40 and worked out it would cost me like £20 a month to keep it running at 12/12 for flowering, i always thought it added like hundreds and hundreds of pounds to your bill?


Well-Known Member
No they won't ship the $20 hps's to England, if they did it wouldn't be a good deal anymore anyway.

Look for those cfl's or whatever else you can find a good deal on I guess. That space is tall enough to be divided in two with a veg level and a flower level.

No they don't add a lot to your bill...


Well-Known Member
ive seen envirolit's growing some ww and they were very very bushy and only like 3weeks old no strech and smelt potent lol