Enough Lighting?

Fallen Soul

Active Member
Well Today I went to get more lights, I ended up grabbing the wrong ones, I knew it as soon as I turned them on and they weren't as bright, so I checked the box and there not (6500k DAYLIGHT) there 23 watt (Natural Light 4100k - 5500k)

So this is what I would have in total.

2x 15 watt Daylight 6500k
3x 23 watt Natural Light 4100k - 5500k

I am growing two plants. Would this be sufficient enough for vegging? Or is it a must that I return them and get Daylight ones?


Active Member
CFLs are better than halogens.
The best thing you could do to get some really dank and dense bud (beause cfl will give you fluffy bud so you wont have as much) is to get a 150 watt High Pressure Sodium Light with the fixture off of ebay for $90 and then you could easily grow two plants and have some good bud. To get the equvialent of one of those 150 watt hps in cfl you would have to go get 16 of the 26 watt ones because cfl's put out less lumens per watt since Hps lights put out twice as much lumens per watt.


Active Member
In the past i used at total of 165 watts of "cfl" light to grow three plants with very good results. So in my experience it's about 55 watts of compact florescent light per plant. (I have never tried using any less light per plant, so for all i know it could be overkill but f*** it i like the results)


Well-Known Member
The best thing you could do to get some really dank and dense bud (beause cfl will give you fluffy bud so you wont have as much) is to get a 150 watt High Pressure Sodium Light with the fixture off of ebay for $90 and then you could easily grow two plants and have some good bud. To get the equvialent of one of those 150 watt hps in cfl you would have to go get 16 of the 26 watt ones because cfl's put out less lumens per watt since Hps lights put out twice as much lumens per watt.
150W HPS doesn't offer much. The real benefit with HID is seen at 400W and over. 600W or over is really the best.

I've seen around a dozen small plants flowering with under 200w CFL. How does 2 oz(DRY) off 3 plants with 78 watts of CFL sound? Seen it plenty of times.

It's really funny. If you do the math, and calculation your bottom line(profit-cost=pocketed), the difference is negligible between CFL and HPS.


Active Member
10,000 lumens per sq ft is ideal, half would probably do ok. It's all about positionion whith CFLs since they're not to hot you can maximize efficiency by having them within inches of the plants.


Well-Known Member
First Off Al The 15w Lights Wont Do Much For Your Plants You Got To Get Lyk Some 23w N Up For It To Do Anything N How Many plants You Got? Also Check Out My Grow N Tel Me What you Think "New To CFL Growing"
hey im new and im starting to grow soon i am using marical gro organic choice and no nutes at all i am going to lst the plants majorly but i was screwing in my lights and one bulb fell and crackd:( so now i only have 2 bulbs they are both 27w 2700k i believe didnt say on the box but they shine like orange and the 13w 2700k cfls i have around my house will two be enough to flower 1-3 plants in a 16" tall 9" width and 15" depth stealth cab? and to get 5-10 plants into sex and then throw away the males? would that work if i only keep 1-4 plants in it? its 12/12 from seed and lst i have decided to do and i ned to no if 2 27w 2700k 1750 lumen each bulb is good enough ? is it?