Enough light?


Active Member
Here it is: 8 sq. ft., heat probs so want to go with CFL, 200 W red/blu bulb w/ batwing reflector(10,000L), under 6in away, is this enough or should i get two??

i have asked this before and they said go with HPS but they are so hot and ventilation costs $$$ :-|


Well-Known Member
well, try it, if your buds run, then get another one and add it. I still say to go with a HPS, the cost of ventilation isn't that bad.


Active Member
i guess so but i dont want to buy a bunch of CFLs to find they dont work when i could have used the same money for a 400W HPS. will one 6in inline fan(250cfm) and two 6in normal ones for air circulation cool off a 400 watter?? oo and the place is going t get a nice coating o' mylar.(if that changes things that much)
-and thxs for such a quick response

Mitsu racerX

Well-Known Member
How many plants?? Go ahead ans spen the money on a HPS if ya really want to bring the heat. I use CFLs for flower. Cost me half the price as a HPS and I just got 2 O's off 2 plant with CFL's. Don't listen to all the hype, CFL's do work and I have proof...

2nd grow mini journal - Dedicated to Cannabis Education. Medicinal, Recreational, and Cultivation.

New grow with 4 plants in flower with 15 CFL's...
3rd Grown (again) - Dedicated to Cannabis Education. Medicinal, Recreational, and Cultivation.