Enough CFL? Are my plants weak?


Well-Known Member
I have been vegging under five 85watts cfl s which are around 6000k but my plants look weak to me, do you think they are ok for 8 plants. They are about 12cm s away from highest plant.

I have 8 fluoro tubes from philips sylvania and osram plantastar that I have not installed yet. Do you think they would be sufficient or shall i add another five of 85watts CFL with 2700k spectrum.
its kinda hard to judge from the angel of the shot you took. can't tell the hight from a top pic you need to take a pic from the side to better judge how tall they are


Well-Known Member
so the plants have grown a few more cms, what do you think the final yield will be, if I started flowering in 3 days, and all end up female?