Enhance certain medicinal properties

So ppl got some eating issues and ppl need medical marijuana to get an appetite.

Is there a way to enhance this medicinal property in order to bring out the munchies in ppl. Such as certain ferts , soils , nutes , lights , light cycles , curing tech's?

I am guessing that it relys on the curing stage or on the maturity of the plant such as clear cloudy or amber trichs.


Well-Known Member
I would suggest, smoke a big fat spliff than go grocery shopping. We always end up with too much food when that happens. Or just try smoking some more.:joint:
IMO it has more to do with genetics as far as appetite stimulant. Amber trichs help me more with nausea, but not necessarily with increasing appetite.

I have digestive illness and deal with nausea and lack of appetite throughout the day and not just any strain will cut it. Some strains help with the nausea but not the appetite, etc.

Sativas help me most with appetite, while indicas usually help more with the nausea caused by colon/intestinal cramping. Sativas also noticebly help with nausea just not as much as the indicas. I have to be careful wth sativas as they will cause me to crave foods that I shouldn't eat.

Sensi Star has a pretty good balanced mix of nausea reduction and appetite stimulant in my experience. Nothing has noticeably helped with acid reflux. I can't think of any specific strains names that have stood out as for as specific medicinal qualities.

Anywho, I don't know if this helped at all, but that's my experience using medicinally for 3 years now. I'm still learning, and my body does not always react the same way and I'm not always sure why but the above results are pretty consistent.


Well-Known Member
There is the catch-22 that appetite stimulation is most pronounced in lightweight smokers.. Once your blood is saturated there is very little cannabinoid flux in your system.. Best way to enhance any cannabis effect is to smoke as little as possible..
Things like blunts and whatnot are for punk kids, if you want appetite stimulation, and you want it to persist then stick to the one-hitter, and only bring it out when you need it..
Chronic smoking can actually have an antagonizing effect on appetite..
And to those who would call me a buzz-kill, I suggest taking a week off the pot, then try smoking again.. I bet alot of ppl have forgotten what its like to actually feel high..


Well-Known Member
I don't know man. I am a pretty heavy smoker and I am eating all day long. I also have a super fast metabolism, and hypoglycemic so I am always eating anyway. I do find though that certain strains make me hungrier than others its not even really hunger just a desire to eat. I always believed that the hunger or munchies we get comes from our bodies natural defenses against the THC or the high. Did you ever notice how shortly after eating something you are no longer stoned. I certainly have.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you don't have appetite issues marijuana would help then, and you don't suffer from appetite loss due to chronic smoking.. Gotta remember appetite issues are more often caused by brain chemistry issues, and response to any drug aimed at brain chemistry are highly variable.. Still though, appetite suppression is quite common in chronic smokers..
You might want to read up on serotonin and norepinepherin, their effects on appetite and satisfaction in general.. While you're at it, read up on tryptophan and exercize and how they come into play.. Its all about neurotransmitter levels, its not like there is a security guard in your head dealing with problems they notice..
thanks alot for your input it helped for sure. I saw a vid with corporate witch doctors talking about how bud is so amazing because it will provide a chemical that conteracts any bad side effects other chemicals the bud produced may cause.

i really shouldnt wake , bake , and post ..... f it.


Well-Known Member
Things like blunts and whatnot are for punk kids,
That's ridiculous and I am completely offended :) I have been smoking for my ulcers with a doc's rec for a long time. It is always better than vicodin. to the point, if you smoke for your whole life, and live in pain, there will come a point where you are smoking more than one hitters or small spliffs. Blunts aren't for punks, you got the wrong stereotype on that one... lol. The truth is they are bad because of nicotine. pros and cons for both besides the tobacco drawback. the long smoking time, the taste, the art of rolling. the time spent doing it and learning how to make the correct flowing joint or blunt is a art.