End The Left/Right fighting and Unite or Humanitarian Issues will never be resolved


Well-Known Member
that sounds like the "call of the defeated".

you got owned. by a liberal.

go cry in your corn flakes while listening to ann coulter and popping viagra.

You've really got to be kidding, right? Your party is going down in flames, right before your eyes and you think I'm the one that's defeated?

Go try your inane, flaccid crap elsewhere, I'm impervious to your stupidity.

The fact is, Obama is out, Conservatives will be running the show for the next 8-12 years and you and the ilk like you are gonna have to sit back and watch all your progressive bullshit programs get the axe. All three branches of the government will soon be under the control of the conservatives, go have another pointless protest, we ain't listening any more.

What will your whiny little asses do then?


New Member
You guys are doing exactly what I spoke out against in the initial post. :(

Why do they want us to be going off the deep end like this and fighting amongst each other? Think about that.

I think we can all agree the media is spinning this as to divide us...corporate rule is dividing the people.

A lot of these protest are at federal reserves and thats very promising. Libertarians really need to get out to these occupy movements because we can teach the people about liberty and the truth and make this movement more effective.

The corporate media are trying to make it about them, the unions are trying to make it about them, and as mentioned the media matters and moveon.org crap and even commies are trying to make it about them. What I am hearing on the alternative media and from people at the protest is that right now its purely grass roots its just these organizations are trying to make it about them.

The objectives of the protest are VERY simple actually, which makes it why its obvious to me that the corporate media and all these groups I named are simply trying to make it about them. The clear goals that would solve everyones frustrations can be summed up in 2 words. Corporatism and Militarism.

1) Stop the corporatism (Specific Examples: The Financial Crisis - The crooks, SuperPACS which as of 2010 allow unions and corporations to contribute unlimited money into politics - corporations now have more rights then people - Big problem)

2) Stop the Militarism (Examples: End the wars and start following the constitution)

These are humanitarian objectives I think everyone can agree on and solve a lot of our issues. There you go, the 99%.


Well-Known Member
Willyßagseed;6445821 said:
Hurrah for Republicans owning all 3 branches, faster to crash and burn and start all over.
To hell with the Republicans, this country needs Conservatives at the helm. And I'd be a great deal more enthusiastic about it if they would leave their religious social agenda bullshit at the front door.


Active Member
Republicans, conservatives I'll take either, I would like this shit to be over and done with and conservatives have the means to end this shit faster so we can reboot and start over. If we cannot come together over the things deprave has posted here then we deserve to crash and burn..... the faster the better.

We need Conservatives so I can hear the words "Let them eat cake " again............ I would prefer to get all the BS fixed but it isn't looking good. Conservatives would offer a fast death and reboot much better than the same long, drawn out BS we have now.

<<<<<< Not a Liberal, they are too far to the right for me.



You guys are doing exactly what I spoke out against in the initial post. :(

Why do they want us to be going off the deep end like this and fighting amongst each other? Think about that.

You are right, but now you're arguing with sheep. Let them live the rest of their ignorant lives as the recipients of the war on drugs. I applaud you for wanting the change only Ron can give.


New Member
You'd think the judge read my post after this....he says exactly what I have written in the first post in his own words essentially.


I like one of the protesters signs in this
[]Republican |
[]Democrat |
[x]Educated |