Empty Cup. Ready to learn.... again.


I have read just about everything I could find about growing herb but after a year and a half I have yet to grow a single plant without issue. I have still produced smokable herb, but it could have been way way better imo. I have had mites, gnats, ph problems?(dead ass leaves), probably root rot, reveg, hermies, every deficiency under the sun and I just dont get it. I have learned to identify and fix a few things, but I'm ready to produce top shelf nugs. I need to. trust me. SO! I'm emptying my cup and ready to relearn everything from the ground up from someone who really truly knows their shit. I grow indoor, in soil, in a 12x12x12 room that im damn sure doesnt have any light leaks(but ill be checking again tonight.) i have 3000 watts of light in there, separate veg room, 600watts, octocloner for cuttings, fool proof 100% seed germination method, ro filter for water, forxfarm trio for nutes, cal mag, regen a root, sledgehammer for flushing salts.

i would post pictures but at this point i dont think it matters. there are a few different problems in there. so i wanna just start from the ground up and rethink my whole damn setup. any help would be appreciated as my patients need better smoke and i need their money. thank you in advance to any kind growers who choose to take pity on my and champion my cause.

sincerely, FrownyFace McGee

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Ready to lose the myths ?

lightleaks = nonsense

sledgehammer for flushing = nonsense

bettin ya do that bloom booster stuff too ?
Sledgehammer is an excellent wetting agent and FLUSH. Yes I said it. I flushed a couple of plants yesterday because I gave em too much nitrogen. It's weird how nute preferences are so different between strains. Some of my plants loved it, but two got burnt tips. Go figure...


Well-Known Member
Sledgehammer is an excellent wetting agent and FLUSH. Yes I said it. I flushed a couple of plants yesterday because I gave em too much nitrogen. It's weird how nute preferences are so different between strains. Some of my plants loved it, but two got burnt tips. Go figure...
but so is water ,,,,,,,,,,,, just sayin

and no worries, I doubt he would come over the dark side 8)

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
What on earth did plants do before we came along and fucked everything up! Good nutrition, good light and clean water and you will have bitchen buds. Fuck all these knuckle heads that keep trying to shoehorn urban legend up everyone's ass!!! R.O water,? Your plant sick with an immune system disorder.? Let's flush out all the money we spent putting it there in the first place. Right? This is basically what you are doing. And then when your leaves start looking like shit you will probably start throwing cal mag at it or bitch about your p.h. or worry it's nute lock out lol.. Be original and go back to the basic things. This I recommended to you sincerely and I wish you and everyone else lost in urban legend the best.


Well-Known Member
Sucellus if your serious about starting over and re learning you should read everything RM3 has on here. It's not the way majority of people do things but it's 100% proven to work. I'm not sure if your growing for yield but you said top notch quality and if you follow in his footsteps that's what you'll get. I'm just getting started and learning, but from what I've read from his work it's the direction I want to go.


Well-Known Member
I have read just about everything I could find about growing herb but after a year and a half I have yet to grow a single plant without issue. I have still produced smokable herb, but it could have been way way better imo. I have had mites, gnats, ph problems?(dead ass leaves), probably root rot, reveg, hermies, every deficiency under the sun and I just dont get it. I have learned to identify and fix a few things, but I'm ready to produce top shelf nugs. I need to. trust me. SO! I'm emptying my cup and ready to relearn everything from the ground up from someone who really truly knows their shit. I grow indoor, in soil, in a 12x12x12 room that im damn sure doesnt have any light leaks(but ill be checking again tonight.) i have 3000 watts of light in there, separate veg room, 600watts, octocloner for cuttings, fool proof 100% seed germination method, ro filter for water, forxfarm trio for nutes, cal mag, regen a root, sledgehammer for flushing salts.

i would post pictures but at this point i dont think it matters. there are a few different problems in there. so i wanna just start from the ground up and rethink my whole damn setup. any help would be appreciated as my patients need better smoke and i need their money. thank you in advance to any kind growers who choose to take pity on my and champion my cause.

sincerely, FrownyFace McGee
Most of the above issues are based on newbie impatience and lack of education as a grower

1: Learn the theory

2: Aim for a goal

3: Apply that theory to obtain goal

4: The more you do it the better you get

Can you spend 4-6 months studying advanced organic..?

Have you the time and funds,

Most of all do you care enuf?

You may need more than just cash on your part as motivation

good luck
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Well-Known Member
sucellus, don't add much fert to soil that has fert in it already. foxfarm potting soil and some others already have fert in them. first determine if you're using a soil rich in fert before you consider having to add anything. many soils will good for several weeks to an entire grow without needing anything. don't use miracle grow fert because people keep having problems with it. it seems like very hot stuff. I'm sure there are those who have good success with it, but that success might depend on the strain. People train to reduce the impact of fert-filled soil by mixing it with coco or perlite, but then they come here saying they have problems. I suspect that the soil products are made to be used as they are and not changed by the grower. Foxfarm soil seems rather hot as well and this is why the company came out with Light Warrior, which is to be used for seedlings and very young plants. The grower is suppose to transfer to Ocean Forest later perhaps when the plant is about 6 inches tall or so. Or you can just try growing in straight Ocean Forest. There are other soils to choose from, like Roots which also seems to have fert in it.
A simple way to grow would be to get some more benign soil like Black Gold and put in one level cup of soil fert like foxfarm's fruit and flower or whitney farms all purpose or dr. earth all purpose. you can get the last two at a lowe's or home depot or decent hardware store, or you can order online from Amazon. Mix in one level cup into 5 gallons of potting soil and just water when dry. you can throw in a small amount of mycchorizae if you want. You shouldn't need to add anything else. If you use a soil that has fert in it already, don't add anything unless you're certain you need to. Over ferting is one of the most common mistakes people keep making.
At 3000 watts you're going to need a lot of air flow. You'll need it anyway for an indoor grow, but that space is going to get pretty warm and summer is coming. It would be better if you tried using as much fluorescent as possible to keep air temp down.
Dont' throw in extra calmag unless you're really sure you need to. using good soil or fert, more calmag is pretty unlikely. it will bind with other materials and make them useless if you use too much. You can still use the trio but just be careful. If you using ocean forest you might not need to add anything.


Well-Known Member
vostok, no offense but it looks like the grower has tried to learn theory and aim for a goal but unfortunately it looks like a lot of the info they've received is bad stuff. Look everyone, this ain't that hard. you're just growing plants. I've just given the organic method that took 6 seconds to learn, not 6 months. That's silly. Or just use fox farm soil or roots without adding anything until you're sure you need to. Chances are you wont' have to. The bigger problems are going to be airflow and temp control. We're coming up on summer here and it's looking to be a hot one. If you don't have a/c and you're in an already warm climate, throwing a bunch of wattage into a small room is going to turn your grow of plants into a baking of cookies.


thanks everyone for the replies, i was worried i wouldnt get any. i have a ventilation fan that sucks air into the ceiling and into my room above. i have an ac in that room as well, but i fear its not working well enough on the hot days.

about ph'd water.... (and everything else too i guess) i hear it both ways. some swear you dont have to and some say you must. fml.

ill be checking out the rm3 thing posted above.

i just need some straight answers.
did some reading last night and found that perhaps the water i was feeding them was too cold? theres a temp gauge on my ph meter but i'm american and cant convert from c to f in my head just yet.

the water i give em is always between 6.3 and 6.6

i give em about a half gallon of water every two days or so

5 gallon buckets,

about one month veg each

topped twice

strain is a cross i made of apollochemdawg (mother) x big bud (father)

i use half the directed amount of nutes using the fox farm schedule
regen a root once in veg, never again.
no wilting, overwatering or underwatering (that i can tell looks ok usually)

what else....... ? uhm......

heaviest pull from one plant was about 2 ounces.

anyone see any drastic problems here? i could use a bigger ac unit. failed so many times with soil i was gonna build a rdwc system to see if i just totally suck at watering. thoughts?