Electricity rates and usage


Active Member
For my current cycle, I decided to run things at night, however that time period has not been working out great for me, and I would like to run things during the day. After calling my power company, I've found that my area does not have on/off peek power rates, it's just the same rate all the time. So, in running things at night I was not paying less for the same power, but I do wonder if I was using less.

Running lights at night, the A/C only has to cool them, and then only cool the sun during the day, but I have a 13,000btu A/C in a fairly small room with induction lights, and they don't run very hot. The A/C is either on or off... so I was thinking that I might actually save power running things with the sun up, because then it's just on during the day, and at night, the temp will drop and stay down as there would be no lights or sun, and the A/C would thus remain off...

Any thoughts? My power bill was about the same as it always is, so I'll probably switch regardless, just for convenience, but I figured I would pose the question. :)