Either I'm paranoid or.......


King Tut
I have all of those as well
IMO, get rid of any "Beware of Dog"/"Guard Dog on Duty" signs. They prove that you know your dog is capable of "great bodily injury".

"i knew my dog was happy and liked his home as well as loved his family. i had NO CLUE that he would rip someone's throat out when he perceived a threat to said family!"


King Tut
IMO, get rid of any "Beware of Dog"/"Guard Dog on Duty" signs. They prove that you know your dog is capable of "great bodily injury".

"i knew my dog was happy and liked his home as well as loved his family. i had NO CLUE that he would rip someone's throat out when he perceived a threat to said family!"
"GOOOOOooooodd dog!"


Well-Known Member
IMO, get rid of any "Beware of Dog"/"Guard Dog on Duty" signs. They prove that you know your dog is capable of "great bodily injury".

"i knew my dog was happy and liked his home as well as loved his family. i had NO CLUE that he would rip someone's throat out when he perceived a threat to said family!"
Naw.......I like em....because my dogs bark is as vicious as her bite........when they see the sign and here the bark I'm pretty sure they don't want to enter lol....thanks for the tip though.

Unlimited One

Active Member
Yeah......I am going to run surveillance pretty soon to both of my gardens.....they are going to be day and night. My friend had the same setup and you could here footsteps before you could even see the bastards lol. Saved his plants more than once.
Nice. There you go, there's nothing like peace of mind.


King Tut
Court issues. As in somebody came into my backyard trying to rob me and got bit by my very well trained dog? Shouldn't be that hard to beat lol.
In a LEGAL case, you're right. In a CIVIL case, you're screwed if you advertise/acknowledge that your dogs are vicious.

i'll do some time or walk LEGALLY. i'll eat beans and rice every day if it goes CIVIL.

For a LONG time.


Well-Known Member
In a LEGAL case, you're right. In a CIVIL case, you're screwed if you advertise/acknowledge that your dogs are vicious.

i'll do some time or walk LEGALLY. i'll eat beans and rice every day if it goes CIVIL.

For a LONG time.
Not necessarily though. Because in a CIVIL case you still can prove that you were only INFORMING the intruder that you possess a dog. And that NOWHERE on the sign does it say that the dog would actually ATTACK. The sign is just there to let you know to take precaution while entering the backyard.....A civil suit based on a Beware Of Dog sign wouldn't stand a chance in Fresno bro.


Well-Known Member
II'm camping out with the 40-40 winchester tonight....warning shot? crack him on the head with the butt of my 'chester? I really would hate to have to :clap: this sucka.

Would you really hate to have to? Sounds like you got an itchy trigger finger, i'd never shoot someone on my property unless my life was in immediate danger, not if they were just stealin something.

I suggest you take a few sample nugs and quick dry them, you need some meds to calm your nerves friend, you have every right to guard your plant from being ripped, but not with intentions of violence.


Well-Known Member
Would you really hate to have to? Sounds like you got an itchy trigger finger, i'd never shoot someone on my property unless my life was in immediate danger, not if they were just stealin something.

I suggest you take a few sample nugs and quick dry them, you need some meds to calm your nerves friend, you have every right to guard your plant from being ripped, but not with intentions of violence.
Reread the OP before you speak bro.....You would see it wasn't over plants if you actually read the entire post


Well-Known Member
Would you really hate to have to? Sounds like you got an itchy trigger finger, i'd never shoot someone on my property unless my life was in immediate danger, not if they were just stealin something.

I suggest you take a few sample nugs and quick dry them, you need some meds to calm your nerves friend, you have every right to guard your plant from being ripped, but not with intentions of violence.
violence would be an understatement at the very least ya get caught in my garden!! steal my income , well ya know the rest!!


Well-Known Member
our front door accidentally swung open the other day from the wind (it was locked but the latch did not go in) while my wife and i were, well, ya know.

second that door swung open the dog went nuts.

gooooooooood dog!
in the greenhouse? wut? I'm so lost... :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
yep then I high tailed it like a little pussy -there is no Beware of Nieghbor sign so i should be chill?!

lol it is killing me to know what's. behind the two old doors placed at a right angle in our shared corner with opening away from me facing the E-NE


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2267087

So I was gonna suggest you get one of these, but you already have a pit bull. Shouldn't that do it? My rotty won't let anyone into my yard, or his yard lol. I got a small arsenal of firearms too but I sure as fuck ain't shootin no one in my yard. But is they break into the house, game on mother fuckers, gotta protect the family not my garden.
Yours is nice, but I wanna find one of these :)

