Effexor XR withdrawls are a bitch


Well-Known Member
I was on Effexor XR for a few years now and it seems to have done the job quite well during that time.The bad news is now that I am out of my pills the withdrawl's suck really bad, really really bad...I've felt the withdrawl symptoms many times before but within an hour of taking my big red pill I would feel fine and forgot about it until the next time I forgot to take my pill. It has been 8 days since my last pill and the symptom that has stayed with me the whole time has been brain zaps and a feeling of confusion or light headness when I turn my head too quick. The worst I felt was 3 days after my last pill I was getting really hot and sweaty and clammy all over I couldnt think straight its been kinda sick, like I know how a crack head feels now.....Anyways anyone who's taking Effexor XR should google the withdrawl experiences peaple have had cus I found hundreds of the same stories and withdrawl symptoms as me.


Well-Known Member
By the way, I was on 150mg a day and shouldnt have quit cold turkey anyone out there who takes effexor should ween theirselves off slowly...


Well-Known Member
i was on effexor xr. the withdrawals are brutal. i almost killed myself coming off of them. and i would get really shaky...my teeth couldnt stop chattering...and then it would get in my stomach and i was just shaking uncontrolably. it was no fun at all. i was on the same dose...and i did come off gradually...i hate meds so much...thank goodness for mary jane


Well-Known Member
meds are horrible. anyone taking any prescription is at risk of destroying their body or brain. like Prozac, for instance, makes you suicidal and turns your brain to mush.

natural herbs, minerals, vitamins, foods are so very important to switch to. i'm still working on the switch, still eat junk food/fast food... but i keep up with minerals and supplements, and also drink super nutrient fruit drinks. now i hardly ever get sick. if i do, it lasts about a day with very minor symptoms. i never get depressed or anything, i always feel great and healthy.

oh, and i've stopped drinking alcohol. that's also an important thing to weave yourself off of.


Well-Known Member
i'm on 300 mg. a day of eff.xr. 2 weeks ago i decided not to take it anymore for reasons similiar to micros post. it's hard to explain what the withdrawals were like, i would get electricial shocks everytime i moved, nevertheless i'm back on it.


Well-Known Member
I was on Paxil for a couple of years. According to some random website, Paxil and Effexor are considered to be the two worst when it comes to side effects and withdrawal.

I remember the "zaps" when I was coming off it. I cut my dose in half for a couple of weeks and then stopped. Cold turkey would not have been fun.

Good luck to you.


Active Member
Hello, I get the same things even while im current taking 75 mg..
Im ok @ 75 mg.
Nothin in nothin out ha..


Well-Known Member
Man, sorry ur dealing with that shit. I take 150mg a day too, and even if i miss one pill within an hour YOU KNOW IT!!!!!!
I wanted to stop taking it now, and just smoke, but i seriously dont even wanna attempt to deal with the bullshit that comes with coming off it!!
Google it, and look at all the shit that comes up....they were weining ppl off by GRANULES!!!! Thats Fucking NUTS!!! They had to open it up, and remove a few granules at a time....

would be nice to know all that before they handed us the scripts so easily

But on a + note....i do think it works better than any of the other shit pills ive taken....and for me NO sexual side effects....
Being a 28 yr old female, the last thing u want for a pill thats supposed to help w depression is a pill that doesnt let you have a blasted orgasm!!!!

Shoulda stuck to weed.... Good luck tho!!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply guys I finally quit having crackhead withdrawls after about ten days..I can tell you one thing I love the way I felt on effexor but knowing what it did to me I cant go back on it,theres no way...Good luk to anyone on it that gets off of it....and hollar at me if u need to talk cus I thought I was going crazy and my wife being the bitch she is told me it was all in my head...haa


Well-Known Member
The miracle of modern medicine right? fuck that!
My wife was on effexor and we lost our bennefits for a few months, we couldn't afford them without it, so she got hooked on prescription xanax
to cope, god damn that was hard to go through...
she's since been switched to Cymbalta, so we'll see how that ruins her.
There has got to be a better way America!


Active Member
if they would just legalize pot, people would not get anxiety...its always that feeling "oh, i used to smoke alot of pot and pot is illegal in the u.s. and then bam bam bam happens"


Well-Known Member
Wow you should really taper off of that shit. I took it for three months did not like the side effects. Took six damn months to wean off of them. Do it slow imho


Well-Known Member
I totally agree. I've been on 40mg of paxil for 10 years, and starting to ween off it. It is terrible. Its a wonder that something like this was allowed as a viable treatment. I think the worst is the vertigo combined with the nausea. Its really hard to handle.


Well-Known Member
im on paxil right now too...i was on effexor and paxil at the same time...it sucked coming off effexor...big time. but i like the way the ssri's combine with my mary...it works well for me...so im planning to stick with the paxil for a while


Well-Known Member
Another Effexor XR patient here. I'm taking 150mg a day. I tried to go without it once and I don't like the person I am without it, so I asked my doc for another prescription. I weened myself off of it and was fine.

A while back I lost my job and benefits.... medicine got expensive. I tried to just stop cold turkey. DIDN'T.GO.WELL!!! I was a complete bitch mood-wise, was pissed off at the world for no reason and was so sick I couldn't get off the couch. My stomach felt light, my head was pounding and I was sick to my stomach. I felt like I had a speed rush but couldn't eat. It got so bad my bf went and refilled my script for me. I don't ask him for money if I don't have it. It's a pride thing. He has to live with me, so he went and filled it. :)

I can attest, too, to the withdrawal after just a few hours of missing your dose. I take mine in the morning. If I forget, by 10am I'm sick. I take it, and within a half hour I'm back to normal.

I like what it does for me, as I am a nonfunctioning depressive when I'm off it. Haven't noticed a difference with maryjane. It feels the same whether on or off the pills. I do notice an extremely lower alcohol tolerance. Barely drink anymore.


Well-Known Member
Another Effexor XR patient here. I'm taking 150mg a day. I tried to go without it once and I don't like the person I am without it, so I asked my doc for another prescription. I weened myself off of it and was fine.

A while back I lost my job and benefits.... medicine got expensive. I tried to just stop cold turkey. DIDN'T.GO.WELL!!! I was a complete bitch mood-wise, was pissed off at the world for no reason and was so sick I couldn't get off the couch. My stomach felt light, my head was pounding and I was sick to my stomach. I felt like I had a speed rush but couldn't eat. It got so bad my bf went and refilled my script for me. I don't ask him for money if I don't have it. It's a pride thing. He has to live with me, so he went and filled it. :)

I can attest, too, to the withdrawal after just a few hours of missing your dose. I take mine in the morning. If I forget, by 10am I'm sick. I take it, and within a half hour I'm back to normal.

I like what it does for me, as I am a nonfunctioning depressive when I'm off it. Haven't noticed a difference with maryjane. It feels the same whether on or off the pills. I do notice an extremely lower alcohol tolerance. Barely drink anymore.
i hear ya on the alcohol tolerance too...im done after 1 or 2 drinks...i rarely drink too...and i LOVE ur avvy! hehe "i can has bong hit" hahaha priceless