Edges Gone Brown!!! (pic)


Well-Known Member
Sup dudes , just got home to check on my babies , and one of them has little brown edges , only on the lower leaves. You think this is nute burn or maybe from the hid? I lowered it a bit the other day , but the top leaves are ok. Check the pic its a little blurry but u can see what i mean.

Or do you think it could possibly be underwatering? It's ppp in a soiless soil.
It' drains quite well so maybe i havn't watered enough? I havn't really used nutes that would be too powerfull i always go qauter strength. Plant itself is about 10cm high , 3-4 weeks old.



New Member
If this is only occuring on the lower leaves and the top leaves are fine then its a safe bet that its not the light. How often are you feeding the nutes? Id say lay off em for about a week and see if the problem solves itself. If not then id say get you a wattering meter, which you can pick up for less than 5 bucks at your local hardware store. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
well i flushed it and it bounced straight back overnight! so i guess it was actually underwatering , i have been a bit carefull trying not to overwater lol.

I have a water meter but because of the type of soiless soil im using it doesn't read properly because the water is soaked into the medium and not trapped thus it can;t read the moisture. It looks brillliant this morning though.

The plant is pure power plant from nirvana. ill try get a pic of it this morning.