ebb wont drain completly


Well-Known Member
guys..i just made a home made ebb flow
even thou i made the barbs lowest possible...wont drain completly...
half inch water left behind after draining...i dont know am i fucked?
or its ok with hydrotons ? pls help asap


Well-Known Member
guys..i just made a home made ebb flow
even thou i made the barbs lowest possible...wont drain completly...
half inch water left behind after draining...i dont know am i fucked?
or its ok with hydrotons ? pls help asap
I too have a homemade E&F and there is about a 1/4 in left in the tub after draining. Now i haven't had any problems but i think i have been lucky in the fact that i have not had any root rot. Being that your roots will be underneath something where mine are out in the open might be a factor. My thoughts are go with it but keep a very good eye on them and keep a very good schedule of pathogen control and in my opinion you will be fine.


Well-Known Member
thanx ...sparkafire...but i think i wanna be safe..so i just drill one more hole...
with no barbs...just goin to drain straight tru hole to reservoir