ebay sale on Chinese leds or DIY? LOW BUDGET


Well-Known Member
The problem is, they use the rejects to build their lights with! Ask some of thes elight makers about "binning" for their chips. Ask them how the chips are graded. Ask the COB sellers on ebay why 80% of their COBs have 20% to 40% or more of non-functional chips in them. Most people don't even think to look or check. they see it light up bright and pretty and think its ok. so contrary to what you may think, buying Chinese LEDs direct, or Chinese built grow lights is a crapshoot. Maybe you'll get lucky, maybe you won't. G o look on youtube at some of the shit people have been sold............

I've been lucky, but i'm done play LED roulette.......

as As far as "cheap Chinese" I think you'll find that no one in the US uses an all US built Diode and to my knowledge every company out there is sourcing internationally. Most of these companies are Chinese, and they lead the world in the actual tech. US companies are cashing in now because they have had the chance to actually grow with the lights unlike the Chinese and are making adjustments to get them better.

And then there are a whole lot of people using sites like Alibaba finding cheap lights not seen in the US, renaming them/branding them and making all kinds of false claims and selling them as a brand new light.
And one has to be cautious even with US made junk claiming its all cree
There are several colors used in LED's that are not made in the US. It's like a company "claiming" they use Cree diodes, which in some cases they are. Fact is, Cree only makes about 2 of the colors used in say a 7 band array. So the first question to a company using Cree should be, ok so what do you use for the other 6 colors outside of white?
Fact is, If you're being told that a light is using all US diodes and everything else, you are being lied to.