Easy Sativa or Early Maroc... anyone grown it?


Well-Known Member
Looking for an outdoor strain around the 44th parallel.
Thinking about doing KC33 and possibly a sativa.

Has anyone had experience with:
Easy Sativa
Early Maroc


I did an easy sativa last year, it took until mid october, was purple by then from the cold and tasted and smelled like crap but was a good buzz lol. Im in zone 6a near Toronto ontario. I started the seed about march 20th indoors, put it in ground on may 10th or so with manure and potting soil mixed with backyard clay, nothing special at all...., it was about 6 and 1/2 feet tall when done, and I was testing buds and getting hi mid sept, finished around october 14th. Got bout 1/2 pound when done. This was my first grow ever. I won't do sativa again unless I move down south they take too long.