Easy Ryder T8 Grow, First Time Indoors


This is my first indoor grow. I have grown outside for years, but am just now trying my hand at indoor growing. I have been doing lots of reading trying to learn from other peoples mistakes so I get it right the first time. This is also the first time I have ever grown an actual strain. I've always grown bagseed as it was all that was available and I only recently discovered seedbanks. Unfortunately I had no idea any of this was even possible. I am the most excited I have ever been about anything. I decided to order some Easy Ryder seeds and got a free Blue Widow seed. I also have Panama Red, NL5 and Whitecastle growing outside. But that's for another day. This journal is devoted to my Easy Ryder plants and also my Blue Widow since it's in there along with the Easy Ryders. I had to put it in there, It is way too hot for it outside. It only grew 4 small leaves and then just stopped. I put it inside and it took off.

Me and my dad have a father and son grow going.. He has cancer and degenerative disc disease. He's looking for an alternative to the medicine he's on, so here I am, in my 30's, growing choice bud with my dad. Never thought I'd see the day. It has really brought us together. I recently suffered a horrible tragedy and am living back at home to hopefully recover from PTSD and to help take care of my dad.

Now for some history on the plants. It is hot here, I'm talkin 103F - 105F everyday. I cant even stand to go outside until around 7:30pm and even then it's still roasting hot. The Easy Ryders were suffering bad. Two of them are 26 days old and they are the smallest of the 3. I waited several days to plant the 3rd seed. It's now 19 days old and it's the biggest and strongest of all. The oldest two Easy Ryder plants spent about 16 of their 26 days outside in full on heat. All my other plants were doing great so I was hoping the Easy Ryders could handle it too.. Sadly they cant. Leaf miners also attacked them a little. So I had to move em inside.

The youngest ER has spent most of it's life inside. It was only outside for around 5 days or so and I moved it in and put it under about 14,000 lumens of T12 lighting. It is so healthy and strong. I have them all together now inside, along with the Blue Widow. They are all on a 20/4 light/dark schedule. They are in Fox Farm Ocean Forest and I'm watering them with filtered ph'd water (RO). The temp inside the grow space stays about 82 with the lights on and gets down to 73 when they're off. I have a fan inside blowing cool air across the tops of all the plants.

They're growing under 16 T8 fluorescent bulbs. I cant get T5's around here. I dont know what the deal is, so I had to go with T8. It's a total of 50,580 lumens. I have the bulbs with different color temps alternating throughout the space in sets of two. I bought bulbs with 6500k and 3000k and have them all going at the same time. It's so bright Gotta wear sunglasses when I check on them. So far they seem to be doing great. They have grown so much so fast. Well all except the oldest ones. They haven't done a thing since I've had them in there. Why aren't they groing? I cant figure it out..

Here's some pics of the Easy Ryder plants:

Here's the Blue Widow, it didn't like the heat either. I'm truly looking forward to this one growing up.

I am having a hard time containing myself. I just cant wait to harvest the Easy Ryders. I've seen some beautiful Easy Ryder grows here and am so looking forward to smoking some. I must look at my plants 100 times a day. A couple days ago I was convinced the biggest one had stopped growing and was in a panic. Turns out I was looking at it too often..

This grow space is only temporary. I'm in the process of building a proper grow room. It's going to be so nice when I get it finished. So this area will be only for the next 2 weeks then they will be going into the new room. I'm not growing for profit. Just enough plants to keep me and my dad in a nice supply of bud all the time.

So, what do you think? Any suggestions or thoughts on what I could or should do differently? I know I probably left something out.. I'm concerned about the oldest Easy Ryders since they haven't grown a bit in about 2 weeks. They are getting the same things the big healthy ones are getting. Not sure about what to do to get them growing again. I'll be cloning the biggest ER as soon as it will let me. I want to keep this strain going as long as possible.

Thanks for reading!


So what do you guys think about my grow? Everything look up to par? I got some new Daylight Deluxe bulbs today. I had too many 3000k bulbs in there. Now I have 10 6500k bulbs and 6 3000k bulbs. Gypsy, what do you think?


Well-Known Member
shit man idk why nobody answered you or why you stopped posting, i would have loved to see how those things ended up. Im about to start some Easyryders and afghan kush ryders. howd yours turn out?


Well-Known Member
And I want to know how fluorescent works.. i want to start my own fluorescent.