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Patrick Germond: Drugs and gun control?

To the editor:
Like most, I’ve noticed news reports about violent drug gangs in Mexico, and how “our” government is calling for more gun control in America.
First, who among us thinks that banning American semi-automatic weapons will stop the international drug dealers? Remember, these are the drug dealers who fly in black market goods through Mexican airports, bribing Mexican government officials.
I believe that if Americans stopped using illegal drugs the violence would stop instantly.
Maybe we should legalize drugs? Increasing the user-ship? Would drug dealers ever try to compete over a market like that? With relaxed laws, they actually could move drugs with more ease.
A person may think they are buying a blood-free bag of dope, but who knows? And what about the user next to them, where did their dope come from?
By the time the government taxed up the price, the dealers could still sell drugs at a cheaper price and do just fine. Don’t forget the cost of alcohol addiction and the problems it has caused our country and families.
I’m not saying we should ban alcohol, but let’s be honest with ourselves and realize what that freedom is costing us. Adding more of the same would drag our country down past the point of functioning.
So, rather than taking action to secure our borders (70 percent-plus of the people favor this), and shaming those involved in drug use, “our” government has decided to attack the lawful gun owners.
This next part is not meant to scare anyone or be threatening at all, it’s just some facts.
Like Spartans in ancient Greece, most American gun owners grow up learning the weapons of the day. Most of the military is made up from this group. Also, this group is usually Christian and family oriented, making them a pretty solid group of people.
No other country can match this potential military base nor do they try. Our enemies never want to go toe-to-toe in shootouts with our sons and daughters, it’s suicide with shame.
Now, I may be wrong, but if no other government in the world would ever willingly take on this group of Americans, why then is “our” own government bent on giving it a try? Why are they trying to come up with reasons to ban guns? Why are they ignoring things like tax protests (Tea Parties), or the call for secure borders and responsible spending?
It makes no sense.
Let us all remember, “we the people” are in charge of the government. Plan to attend the local Tea Party at noon April 15 at the Moffat County Courthouse.
This event is political party neutral, so please keep that in mind. We can send a strong and peaceful message to our leaders on whatever issue is most important to us.
Who knows, maybe they’ll get it.
Patrick Germond