Easy noob guide to a great first grow indoors.


This is meant as a quick easy to understand guide to a noob that wants to start growing and wants to be part of the marijuana community.
1. seeds- the thing to know about seeds is that you get the strain best for you, different strains has more of an impact on your grow than anything. you can get seeds from the website http://www.nirvanashop.com/en/ or buy a nice bag of some bud and look for seeds, if that bag was good than the seeds are good.
2. container- this is obvious but ive seen people do dumb things, don't plant in any container you would'nt drink from, I recommend a 5 gallon bucket. ive seen small plant matured in very small containers, but a big container is best.
3. soil- i suggest miracle grow with micro-max because its a good start for beginners, but you should always check the ph and try to make it balanced with your strain or be close, 0.21, 0.7, 0.14 is really good at keeping stability.
4. watering- make sure the soil has good drainage, and only water it when you stick your finger in and its dry, not moist. if using tap water , heat it up and leave it set for a while as this helps rid out chlorine.
5. lights- this varies from LED, HPS, CFL and so on. for the easiest just pick up some BR150 AGRICULTURAL LIGHTS at any gardening store or home depot like place. it dont have to be BR150 but these are easier as one should be efficient, it is a large bulb that has a blue coat.

Growing- put the seeds in a wet cloth and keep them moist for a few days, after a while they will open and root will emerge, place the seeds root-down inside the moist soil. flip the light on and keep it about 2ft away, keep the lights on 18 hours a day, or at least off for 6 hrs. wait 2 or 3 months and put the lights on a 12 hr on and 12 hr off, keep a fan around as this will decrease heat and trust me, heat is an annoying problem, if your worried of stealth, put glass or mirrors between your grow and the closest road, and put some over-top your grow, as long as your fan stays on and you keep your grow around 80*F this glass should decrease your chance of being seen with FLIR (what cops use) but really as long as you keep your grow medium to small, and never tell your friends (99% of grows are found out by trusted friends spilling the beans about your grow) then you should have no problems, after your first grow learn some more from these forums, and make attempts to increase your yield, potency, speed, and smoke quality, but don't start to soon, you need valuable first hand experience to know what works best, trial and error then improve. and keep growing 4-Ever and if anyone disses your bud, refuse them access and tell them "up your ass with broken glass"