Easy Noob Cookies

I'm not sure if this has ever been posted here, and I did them again tonight. So, I figured it would be a good idea to share the cookie knowledge and show how beautiful they look for once :P Considering how much I've been trolling here.

One small cookie (about toonie size) will give you a very nice high off just 6g's in your mix.

The entire recipe should only take 20-30 minutes, 7-8 being baking.

If this is your first time baking with weed, baking in general, or are just generally nervous about the weed quantities cooking with it takes, this is a pretty good first stepping stone.

All you need is:
-a peanut butter betty crocker cookie mix (or sugar mix if you're allergic)
-olive oil
-1 egg
-1 to whatever the hell you want g's of weed. (I did a quarter)

Oven should be at 375.

1: Pour the cookie mix flour into a bowl (plastic makes it extremely easy to peel off, minimizing waste to pretty much zip) and add only the weed you want in your cookies.

2: Mix until it's hardly noticeable that there is any mary jane in the cookie flour. I highly recommend using a fork, but anything you prefer will do. Make sure there are no chunks, or pools of weed.

3: Now put in your 3 tablespoons of oil, 1 of water & your egg. You can replace the water & oil with pot oil. Also, once you get to 6gs, you should probably add another table spoon per 4 after it, as around 7 it gets relatively difficult to mix.

4: Mix well, until the batter has a green tint, more so depending on how much you decided to put in. The batter should look like little tears when you mix it with your fork, and easily be pulled into small handfuls and rolled into balls.

5: With an UNGREASED COOKING SHEET, or even just something that can withstand the oven heat, roll up your batter into whatever shapes and sizes you want your cookies, place on the sheet, and throw in the oven.

7 minutes later, they'll start to burn around the edges.
Depending on how crispy you like your cookies, bake 'em from 7-10.
10 being the absolute max.
(They're done once you begin to really start to smell them.)

If you're using a chocolate chip, it calls for butter; I would say you must ABSOLUTELY use canna-butter for this, but you could also still just do the same thing and switch oil the oil/water step for the butter.

It all works. Happy trips :leaf:

And, for those who are worried that their cookies turn out like this:
Don't worry. They're not burnt, they still taste great, you'll love 'em. This WOULD be my first batch ever, and they still got me high as a kite.