Easy Do-It-Yourself Hydroponics

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
*A quick and easy do-it-yourself hydroponics system*

What you need:
*Standard 5-gallon bucket
*10” bucket lid
*Submersible water pump, 250-350gph
*2’ section of ½” black tubing
*Heavy-duty rubber band
*Growing medium of your choice
*Hydroponics nutrient of your choice
*Sharp, sterile cutting utensil

Start with a clean, food-safe five gallon bucket to serve as your main hydroponics reservoir. Next, take your utility knife and carefully poke multiple holes along the length of your ½” tubing to effectively convert it into a spray line. Attach the ½” tubing to the submersible pump and position the pump in bottom of the bucket. Fold over the opposite end of the tubing and secure it with the rubber band. The tubing should now be connected to the pump on one end and closed off on the other. Now you want to coil the tubing within the bucket so that it gradually rises from bottom to top and rests along the edge of the bucket. Fill the bucket three quarters of the way with water and nutrient and place the 10” lid on. Fill the lid one half to three quarters of the way with growing medium, add your plant and top off the lid with the remainder of medium.

Plug in your system and enjoy.
If anyone has anymore information on this type of system then go ahead and post it here. Hopefully this will help someone.

Mr. Green Thumb

Well-Known Member
yeah . . . i was thinking about going hydro . . but im a first timer on his first grow up and im using soil . . things are movin along nicely for me . . where do you get water pumps . .? or the kind you need for hydro?

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
There are all kinds of websites to get all the things you need for hydro like pumps. Wormsway.com, is just one of them. You could also get a pump at wal-Mart, or lowes, or homedepot. Thanks for the comment.

Yeah hydro is alot harder then soil. I'm growing in soil right now too but I just posted this because I thought someone might like the idea.

Mr. Green Thumb

Well-Known Member
i deff like the idea . . but right now im trying to see if i can finish my first grow .. . my plant is like 3 and a half weeks old and i only have it under one floro . . . but its growing nice . . . but i know that i need to get more floros . . do you know how many would be good for one plant/?>