Early frost...

Hey guys,
This is my first time growing and I have 3 plants, 2 white widdow and 1 white rhino. I live in Alberta and the weather has been quite shitty, one of my plants already had some frost bite. Anyways, the temperature is supposed to drop to around -5 this weekend and there's not much white hairs on them... One plant is in a makeshift greenhouse (plastic wrapped around it) and the best I can do for the other 2 is put a blanket over them. I'm wondering if there's anything I can do for them or if I should just cut my losses?
Yea your best bet is to move them inside. Use something big like 5 gallon buckets and try to keep the same soil so the plants don't get shocked to much. You can prune some roots if they are sticking out too much for your container but not more than needed. Sounds like they might need a few more weeks. Be super stealthy and don't let anybody see you moving those things people will snitch or rob you. Do it at night and put big trash bags over them. Maybe do one per night starting with the best.

Once inside figure out a way to get some good powered light on em or they might stop growing due to being used to the sunlight. Luckily the warmth of your home may speed up their metabolisms a bit.

If you do all this you may not lose much.



Active Member
Hey guys,
This is my first time growing and I have 3 plants, 2 white widdow and 1 white rhino. I live in Alberta and the weather has been quite shitty, one of my plants already had some frost bite. Anyways, the temperature is supposed to drop to around -5 this weekend and there's not much white hairs on them... One plant is in a makeshift greenhouse (plastic wrapped around it) and the best I can do for the other 2 is put a blanket over them. I'm wondering if there's anything I can do for them or if I should just cut my losses?
You ever go outside to your car on a frosty morning and find it parked under a tree and saw no frost on your window yet your friends or neighbors are scraping the ice off theirs?

That cold I wouldnt even grow outside, try covering with plastic, for it traps heat, traps moisture too. Better than yanking them. That breaks vital roots and at this stage might as well throw em into the trash if you pulled them up. Ive pulled plants up in veg stage but never tried in flowering


What the ..... I had ice on my truck this morning? ( New England) And I have two plants on the hill! Im going up there now, what should I do if they got hit with frost?? There all ready turning purple but I have about a week left,(sativa) slowly I turn thich by thich.
Alright thanks guys.
I brought 2 inside and left one out but covered it with plastic and blankets as well as put 2 buckets of hot water inside on the coldest nights. I don't know if it'll make it or not cause I think it has bugs now but the other 2 are doing good.