Early flowering


Well-Known Member
I put the plants outside June 2nd and I am thinking I am seeing some signs of flowering on some of the plants. If they are flowering is there anyway of switching them back to veg? Thanks


Well-Known Member
It seems many people's plants are trying to flower early this year. The only thing to do is all more light, hang a cfl or something near it to keep in veg if it won't go back into flower, however there should be at least another month of begging time left for them. My theory on it is that some of the fast flowering strains being breed for indoors are more photo sensitive then outdoor strains of the past and just want to be more picky about light changes, I have about 6 outside and half are flowering as well and I put them outside in April. Some of my plants appear to be going back into veg, others seem to be just starting flower, some are preflowering, and some are in pure veg. None of my strains have any hint of auto flower in there genetics as I have grown many clones from the same mother plants and the mother plants never went into flower and some of these plants are fairly old. (5 months +)

For me I'm just going to ride it out and hope they go back into veg, however if they finish flower then ill get some bud sooner than I had planned and ill still be happy with how it turns out


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the quick responses I really appreciate it. None of the strains have any autoflower in them(blue dream, OG, REM, Dream N Sour, Kandy Kush) They are in a 10ft wide 8fth tall 20ft long greenhouse with 3 T5's hanging. But the plants are rather big, I would not say they are shading one another out but they are touching one another and blocking some light.


Well-Known Member
I also have a blue dream in my plants outside and it is one of them that is flowering. Also flowering is sour strawberry kush. I can't remember off the top of my head what others are doing it but my guess is that since both our blue dreams are flowering its got something more to do with the plants being sensitive to something, temp, uv, light spectrum or something else. The quality of light changes on cloudy or rainy days and its possible that over the past few weeks the quality a of sunlight that keep the plant in veg were partially blocked by weather. I've seen reports of photoperiod marijuana flowering under 24/0 light if a exact nm of led is used, I forget exactly what nm but I believe it was into the far far red. There has been a lot of pollution in the air this year, wonder if that changes things....


Well-Known Member
uhhh no......... but still funny.... "There has been a lot of pollution in the air this year, wonder if that changes things...."