Early Flowering

bud up

If a plant is showing sex at first of May, will it affect the expected time of harvest or will it just convert back to vegatation as the days get longer? It's getting about 15 to 16 hours of light now. Mostly indica genetics.

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Most plants will reveg with the increasing light, ive seen it stress the plant but ive also seen the plant take it in stride. It may be one of those things determined by genetics, if you wish to discontinue this premature flowering you will need to use a flashlight on the plants about every night during the dark period until there is sufficient daylight

bud up

I hope thats the case, because i'd like to see it reach max size before finishing. There has been several cloudy days and its a quick flowering strain. I might have got a lil over zellious by starting so early in the season. i expect it will to turn around soon with some sun shine and more daylight hours. On a brighter note there is know doubt what the sexx is.

bud up

Just checking back in, would like to see if I could get some more people to chime in. I’m still having the same issue with a California Hash plant. Little popcorn buds all over plant that is about 3 months old. It's getting about 15 hours of light and it appears all the new growth is mostly bud. The plant is plenty tall to put in flowering mode at three feet tall, but it's not possible to control the lighting with a switch. Should I start feeding with a high ratio of phosphorous to encourage the buds to continue producing? If it continues to bud for two more months the plant would be ready smoke. It is supposed to take about 70 days to bud according to research. On the other hand what will happen to the bud if the plant tries to revert back to vegetation mode? In about two months there will be approximately 16 hours of light a day. Does anyone think a plant could produce bud with that many hours of light, if so it would be a nice early harvest :)


how u guys doin? im going thru the same situation too.... put six small clones out too early and they started or try to flower...long white hairs, thc etc..... i said fuck this and gave them to my friend.... he had put them under 24 hrs of light w/ 2x 42w 6500 and two weeks later they reverted back to veg and is growin like it should... i know because i gave him 4 and i kept the other two.... those two are only under 18 hrs of cfl lighting, and they still look like they are trying to bud still...the leaves are growing but at a much slower rate then it should... and the growth pattern looks fucked up.....so im thinking, the more light the faster it would revert back to veg....... try 24 hrs of lighting for a week or two... right now im still waiting for my two to grow back the way it should...!!! btw blueberry gum and grandaddy blueberry...


Active Member
Do not be afraid those are most likely Preflowers , but the increasing sun soon will be bringing it back into veg


Well-Known Member
so if im at about 35 degrees latitude and i leave them outside( think there is about 13.5 hrs of light right now) will they revert to veg?


so if im at about 35 degrees latitude and i leave them outside( think there is about 13.5 hrs of light right now) will they revert to veg?
13.5 hrs i dont think is enough to revert back to veg... i heard that u can do a light cycle of 13/11 in flowering to increase yield by having extra hour each day.... i think u wud need more light to revert back to veg..

bud up

So from what I'm hearing the plant will revert back to vegetation if enough light is available. From the experiences I have had with the California hash plant in a controlled environment it can continue to flower all the way to around 16 hours of light give or take a few minutes. I think I'm going to go ahead and introduce it to some phosphorous and see what happens. I'm just not clear on what will happen to the pre-flowers that have already begun if it does revert to vegetation. I'm hoping the flowers that are producing now will only get bigger because I'm satisfied with the size of the plant considering it is only mid-May and it is about three feet tall. It would be nice if it would just slowly continue flowering throughout the next two to three months. The expected harvest time is quite early anyway with its indica dominate genetics and it is supposed to only get about 5 to 6 feet tall at best. If I get the chance I'll post some pic to give everyone a better view of what the buds are looking like. I just don't want the plant to finish without the proper nutes need for budding.