Earliest To Start LST?? I Have Limited Room!

2 1/2ftx4 1/2ft closet and I was thinkin I'd just do some LST from the start so they stay wide. I have a 300watt halogen I might use for flowering and I can't keep it close cause it gets too hot! So i'm thinkin LST would help???


Well-Known Member
LST is the shit yes, and when i did my first grow i tied em down a little too early but they ended up doing fine.
How old are they? Dont do it before 2 weeks for sure. I would say 3/4 weeks depending on growth/stretch.

Make sure your lights are 2ish inches from the plants if your using CFLs

Also halogen lights are no good, if you meant HPS then yes keep it a little ways off you will have ample light penetration compared to CFLS and you wont cook them.
But halogen wont give your plants enough of the right light.
Sweet! Thank you! They are 2 days old. Not even sprouted yet. I germinated them. But I also started some in a pot from seed and those look a day ahead and those are just sittin out kinda by the window. Weird huh? Maybe the sun through the window is stronger than the FL an inch away? Even though the ones in the window don't get much light as it is.