Eaing large amounts of shrooms.


Well-Known Member
I like low doses when trying to party or be social, or with MDMA. My real preference is 5-10 grams, that seems to leave me in a very nice place, just not as well off in public. I only ate wet mushrooms once and 5 of us ate a pile that was close to a bushel, it was strong but not nearly as strong as I would have imagined. I actually think drying them improves the buzz a little (but what do I actually know?). I know a dude that does not smoke weed but eats a 1/2 gram or so all day long and has as long as I've known him. On that note I'm not a big fan of mushrooms if I don't have some good weed to smoke, where on LSD I might go so far as to forget I have any weed (for a minute).