Dying plant - possibly hopeless situation, need advice ;_;


Active Member
I think the amount of times the plants need watering does depend on whether a fan is blowing across them or not. To originalbongster, is it really necessary to mist the plants? If you do so make sure you move the lights away and let it dry before moving the lights back. If you follow the biobizz chart (as I would) you should be giving nutrients with every water not alternately. To Razztafari (all hail Bob Marley), I'm not sure if it's worth having wet towels in your grow room unless say your humidity is under 50%. I would keep it simple - water, nutes, lights, and a breeze. . Also, with a soil grow I don't know if it's necessary to check the ph because I think most soils will actually buffer the water. I could be wrong though. Also - this is crucial - you only need the bio grow for the veg stage, epsom salts for the third week of flowering. I don't know about the flora brand but with biobizz in flowering you combine the grow and the bloom nutes and some people add blackstrap molasses as well, usually a little way into flowering.


Well-Known Member
Thanks everybody, your advice has been absolutely crucial, so much so that my plants have made a wonderful recovery and I've learned valuable lessons for the future. :cool:

Take a look at the plant below, this is plant I thought was on the brink of death! It's looking a lot healthier now all thanks you guys! Wonderful help from a wonderful community! THANK YOU!!!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
God and i said scrap em and start again, lol, how wrong was i! They look beter now and seem like they wana do some growing. They don't look bad for plants that were gona die, just a few yellow bottom leaves and the rest seems acceptable. What in the end turned it around for you?? was it the watering, pH or somthing else?? Would be nice thread to post the solution to the cause of the problem.
Just a thought but with the height of them now maybe topping them would be a good idea, give them time to fill out and stop it getting spindly.


Well-Known Member
I hadn't been feeding them correctly. Now I'm giving them 1ml of bio bizz grow in every watering, nothing else. I'm also watering them correctly now. Proper reply tomorrow, it's 2am here, gonna grab some ZZzzz....


Well-Known Member
Oh My God!!! :O

I just got home and found these little white hairs all over my plants, they weren't there yesterday, what are they?!


They can't be flowers, my plants are still in veg, light cycle is 19/5, I'm moving to gradually into 12/12 reducing by 30 minutes every 2 days. They can't have flowered this quickly, honest to god I xplanted them yesterday into air pots there were no white hairs on it, 24h later 3 oif them are covered in them.

WHAT DO I DO?! I'm wasn't prepared to go into flower this quickly! I've just xplanted them the stress might cause a hermie, what of nutes should I increase them now? Argh! It's all happening too quickly. :-(


Well-Known Member
OK, I think they are preflowers. OMG! That means it's a girl!!! I feel like a daddy! ;_;

This is the plant that I started the thread for! Suddenly my most runty plant is my most interesting! :D I can't believe it's gone from being near death to pre-flowering first... unless of course all the stress I've caused it had forced it to flower early


Well-Known Member
Cheers buddy! :D

Quick question though, should I start flowering nutes now? Or just continue with veg only ones,basically, is my plant in the flowering stage now? :)



Well-Known Member
Start off by giving her both, then after awhile switch to only bloom nutrients. I don't know how long because I'm only a little farther along than you in my first grow, the back of the bottle says to switch to bloom only when it's 'mature' so I'm thinking after 3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Stay with the veg nutes and stay in the veg light cycle as well! Plants need a period to recover from their recent stresses and a period to bulk out or you gonna get a much smaller yield than you could! Go easy on the nutes! The flower is definatly pre flowering so try keep it pre flowering for a while so it can bulk out. This plant should not fully flower until you switch the lights to 12/12. You won't need flowering nutes until the plant starts to fully flower, this will be about two weeks after changing the lights back. Even at this point just reduce the veg nutes and increase the flowering nutes (well for most brands anyway).