DXM user needs HELP!


New Member
Yeah I know, I am trying to expand my knowledge in trade skills particularly welding. I should be going to welding school here with in a couple of months. My friends advised me that they hire a lot of felons so I am going to shoot for that. Its a 3 & a half month school. So hopefully all works out in the end.


Well-Known Member
If you're going to abuse drugs, abuse drugs, not a drug. Take a series of different drugs. Ketamine this week, LSD the next, then Mushrooms, then 2C-I. By taking an amazing assortment of drugs you reduce the potential for addiction to any particular one and you spread the physical damage across your body instead of hammering one particular organ. And never, ever take ACETAMINOPHEN.

As far as jobs go, the stupider the job, the more they look at your background. Wanna be a cashier at a gas station? Take a piss test, polygraph, background check. Wanna be a wall street hedge fund manager? Snort coke every day and have two martinis for lunch.
This is so full of wrong I don't even know where to start. Fucking idiotiotic


Well-Known Member
I think kervork was saying that if youre going to abuse drugs to actually have a differential abuse..i.e.,mix things up a bit and not waste an entire drugs on an entire organ..variety is the spice of life especially if you're going to die anyway,that's the mentality of an addiction...some drugs get monotonous..