DWC to Perpetual


Well-Known Member
Day 45 Flower:
SAM_2721.JPG SAM_2724.JPG SAM_2725.JPG SAM_2728.JPG SAM_2730.JPG

SAM_2732.JPG SAM_2733.JPG SAM_2734.JPG SAM_2735.JPG SAM_2736.JPG

The one to the front left in the group picture is doing the best.
The first two pictures are front right. Which is trying to show the lime green growing tips and along side the leaf margin about 1mm from the tip.
3rd picture is back left.
4th picture is back middle.



Well-Known Member
What nutes?
I was using heavy 16, but recently switched to GH to try and sort out my red petioles and dark green leaves. I'm using 1 part micro to 1 part bloom to get a 5-5-5. I got these issues going on 2 weeks tomorrow. About a week after transplant from aerocloner. Aerocloner was at 300ppm but by the time I took them out it was at 200ppm. So I transplanted them at 550ppm. Until I saw the leaf margin ruffling on the one thats real bad(4th picture) and I tossed them back to 350ppm.

After not seeing a change for 10 days I kicked them back up to around 450ppm with some additional bloom and magical. The extra N in magical and the P and K in bloom mostly leveled off and im sitting still around a 1-1-1. Keeping this at 5.8 as best I can. Getting pH drop on mostly all the buckets in veg. Nothing major. From 5.9/6.0 to around 5.5-5.7


Well-Known Member
Not sure...I doubt it. Its a 1-1-1. Just checked most of the buckets are either at 5.8 where I left them or they rose. The ones that rose are at 390ppm from 450.


Well-Known Member
Flower OTH was at 4.8 and the other bucket was at 5.2 - I get this every so often. I did have to add a lot of pH down yesterday to get it at 5.8. Perhaps I added too much and didn't let it settle. Doubtful as my meter registers pretty quickly.

I changed the res on the one at 4.8 the ppm rose to 580 from like 440 which was down from 500. So i'm not even sure wtf is going on.


Well-Known Member
didn't you mention you saw roots turning brown? maybe early stages of root rot? my pH and EC did weird things when I had it.


Well-Known Member
yeah roots arent optimal. nothing smells. i just notice small bits of roots at the end of the res. its more tan than brown. not mushy though.

res is 23-24C. next purchase is a chiller. got canopy to 80F with the AC. now time for root zone temps.

ill see what it is tomorrow. ive had hiccups like this before and pH did its normal upward swing


Well-Known Member
Another drop. Went from 5.9 to 5.0 over 24 hours.

I hear this happens in mid to late flowering. Has happened to me before. Im about 3 weeks from finishing on a 70 day strain.

Stinkbomb smells so dank. So so dank.


Well-Known Member
its drinking tons of water and leaving a concentrate behind. too bad you cant tell whats left in the water to see exactly what it's eating


Well-Known Member
its drinking tons of water and leaving a concentrate behind. too bad you cant tell whats left in the water to see exactly what it's eating
This is exactly why I use dry nutrient salts. They're inexpensive enough that when the solution has been topped off enough I can just dump it, safe in the knowledge that a 100 gallon changeout costs me less than three dollars.


Well-Known Member
The buckets did rise a bit. the one i changed wednesday night to 510 is 520 last night.

The other was down wednesday night from 500 to 380. Last night it was 410. weird why it would go down then go up.

I finally got the room conditions good. 80f and 50%-60%rh. dehumidifier kicks on at 60%.

need a chiller and an rdwc setup. and dry salts


Well-Known Member
its a two way street with the salt build up, no? too much in the plant would go back in to the water if the concentration was lesser


Well-Known Member
ive heard that. that a plant only eats if the osmotic pressure in the roots is the same as the water.

so i set res to 1.0EC it eats it down to .8EC because roots were lower. overate and then puked back some of it?


Well-Known Member
ive heard that. that a plant only eats if the osmotic pressure in the roots is the same as the water.

so i set res to 1.0EC it eats it down to .8EC because roots were lower. overate and then puked back some of it?
No. It is just drinking water faster than it feeds. Low RH, high temps and high EC can all be factors. It isn't detrimental as long as you keep doing water add backs and maintain proper pH and EC. Once you've added some twice (it's technically more, but the value of our crop should encourage a safety factor) as much water as there was nutes, it's considered depleted and time to replace.


Well-Known Member
Both were around 4.7. Added back some water to where it was when I filled it. 420ppm at 5.4

My meter was off -.3 so thats a 5.7

Stinkbomb was low anyways so I changed the res. Was at 550ppm for feed. So another day of rise. Is it wise to let it sit with no nutrients for a while?