DWC Scrog Throwdown Growdown 2011


Well-Known Member
yeah dwc :) and yeah i trim the leaves that get in the way of new bud spots, you can probably see in that picture i went threw a few days ago and topped a lot of branchs aswell


Well-Known Member
This was a plant that I did acouple months ago, I have a few more growing right now, maybe i'll get some pics up later. This is one Headband under 400w HPS grown from clone from a local dispensary.



Well-Known Member
I'm wishing I had other people's grows right now. My shit is looking weak. Thinking of taking a break until I get my basement back. Week 6. They're supposed to be finished in 2 wks...no way is that happening. Pics taken on Wednesday, looking worse now and don't even want to see it tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
Eh its all a learning process Ray. It's only my 1st crack at it and I'm already seeing things I could have done better. We should have went with 4 plants instead of 5. Crowded and some limbs stretched a bit on us, but still...have more than what you/we started with ;) Cheer up mate


I just made my profile on here today. I gotta DWC I'm transitioning into budding phase tonight. Couple more hours and the light will turn on and I'll take some pictures. Im 6 weeks into my grow and this is my first one so throw me some thoughts :) post soon


Took me a lil longer than I thought to change out those rez's. Let me know what you think you guys. Also I'm posting a bunch of pictures in the hydro section cause I'd like opinions on my setup. Anything you guys think I should do to these things? They look health and solid so far :)



Active Member
Here is my new setup!




Well-Known Member

So, these are a couple of White Widow clones that I received from my local dispensary and I just wanted to share them. I would have liked to grow more, but these were the only two White Widow clones that they had in stock. They are under 800w HPS, it's a 2x4 screen. I'm planning on updating the screen after these two are completed, so that the screen encompasses the whole room. The plants are now at 2.5 weeks of age since I received them.


Well-Known Member
Looking Nice Simon!! The scrog pics and the avatar!!
Might wanna change out the chicken wire on the next scrog tho. IMO


Well-Known Member
No Problem WhoDat! I have been busy lately myself. Trying to make a dollar out of 15 cents. Lol!

The holes in that chicken wire look smaller than 2x3. They look like 1x1. Mine are 2.5x2.5 or close to it.
If the holes are too small then it can cause issues/problems when pulling the branches in and out of the holes and cause restriction on the budz as they get bigger.
I would think that with using wire that it could chop a bud in half if not careful. Compared to something like nylon rope. JMO.


Well-Known Member
haha a dolla out of 15 cent! I herd dat!
Yeah, chicken wire is too small 4 my buds lol. Not boasting, sad but true lol
1 luve
a dollar out of 15 cents, my life story until I found out herb grows from seed haha
1 luve :peace:


Well-Known Member
i got some crowding problem but i think i might of just solved that tho
But this is where im at right now



Well-Known Member
Looks Nice and Healthy Deception!!
It sure is quiet around here.. I hear some crickets chirping. (chirp chirp)
How are the scrogs coming along?


Well-Known Member
I have a dwc and a hempy scrog going on right now, only thing being they're just seedlings at the moment else I'd be bang on this throwdown! XD

Only using 250w cfl and 90w led hoping for another decent yield! Have a looksee at my grow #3 in my sig, gah! I was gonna add a pic of my setup but I'm on my phone Internet and it's wank!