DWC Oxypot yellowing leaves


Well-Known Member
Ive just started my first test grow in my Oxy Pot and she's dying.
I used 1/4 strength nutes Ph tested it to just below 6.0 I have bought a more reliable tester and an EC tester but its coming from china.
Anyway, what can i do to help keep it alive?
I know I havn't really written enough, but I dont know what you need to know.
How high is your water level mate? When the plant is young it is best to have the water level over a couple of inch of the mesh pot.......and when the roots grow lower it slowly.........also try replacing half the water with fresh to reduce nute concentration.

Iy looks like she is drying out to me though so Id go with raising the water level first.




Looks like nute burn. Could be PH also though if you are unsure how reliable your current testing method is. I dont know DWC that well, but I thought hydro you wanted like 5.2-5.5 PH. Would check that out.
To be honest my first DWC the leaves started like that cos I followed the "below the basket" waterline
As soon as I filled it a bit they improved

Those balls look dry to me....and the roots will only be small
HELLO. my 1ST COMMENT on rollitup.org BUT THOUGH ID TRY HELP. IM ALSO GROWING IN AN OXYPOT. BUT I AM ABOUT 6 WEEKS IN WITH A BLUE HIMALAYA AUTOFLOWER. joe pineapples is right. you have to raise the water level. mine started off like yours until i got advice and it worked. also it is vital to have lots of air being pumped into the water. the standard pumps are good but not the greatest. so i purchased an aquarium pump 280 lph (litres of air per hour). it cost about $15 on ebay. The more air your roots receive the healthier they will be. As the roots begin to grow they will start hanging out of the pot. this is when you should start considering lowering the water level. this ensure the roots won't suffercate and obtain more oxygen while suspended....

Last but not least make sure you soak your clay pebbles well before use. any problems hit me up and ill be haappy to assist !!! peace!bongsmilie


Active Member
i agree raise water on 1 side n lower on 2 o2 levels high raise bit if lower02levels( no h202) lower to raise 02 at root zone but drop nutes by half clear nute burn unless plants got used to levels drop em growth be back shortly after 2-days less given roots arnt burnt off