DWC Organics


Well-Known Member
I have a 20 gal DWC grow. I want to go organic and use the general organic line i was wondering if anyone has ever used organics in hydroponics? I havent really heard anyone using organics in hydro because i figured it would leave alot of residue and clog some things up. Can i use GO in my system without these problems thanks jblaze


Well-Known Member
Yeah organics and hydro arent really a good combo, it is if its done right but is really something for a guru of organics and hydro both. The best way to run organic hydro is in a recirc system like the UC systems or an aquaponics setup where the fish provide the plants with nutrition. Dwc is definitely not the platform to run organics in hydro though, I made one attempt at it was my last, literally I threw the whole system out, full and everything, pumps, airstones, everything. It was all sludged and all my plants had root rot so I did what I could to save one of the plants, a buddy talked me into keeping a couple of the "better looking" ones to use as a learning aid. It worked, I brought them back to life and health but I never ended up flowering them, but I the biggest thing I learned was not to use organic nutes in dwc.