DWC need help


Active Member
I have had my DWC system running and plants in it for about 10 days now.......they all started off great but now I have the two largest beginning to droop and lay over.....I don't know if I had the light too far away to start or if I didn't give enough nutes.....but now I need to fix the problem before it gets any worse.....any help???


Active Member
Don't have a camera so i can't provide pice but they still look healthy still growing leaves and no discoloration in the leaves of roots


Well-Known Member
Could be the light... What kind are you using and how far from the plants are they? What kind of nutrients are you using?


Active Member
I got the light down close now, but its been a couple days and the two bad ones show no signs of improvement.

Anything I can do further to fix or is moving the light gonna work but just take time???


Well-Known Member
What is the PH of the res? what are the PPM levels? What fertilizer are you using? What are you using for a medium? Rockwool? How big is each plants reservoir?


Active Member
no it was def the height of the light cause the two i added after lowering the lght are not experiening this.....is there any way to save the strecthed ones or should i germ more


Well-Known Member
What is the PH of the res? what are the PPM levels? What fertilizer are you using? What are you using for a medium? Rockwool? How big is each plants reservoir?

How bout answering some questions, we can't help you much if you ignore us.

sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
Make sure the water temps, aren't above 86*F cause some nutrients don't agree with warm water, and won't do their full job when these warm temperatures are present.