Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
I think i shall become an elite member...gonna go put some money on my card.....this site needs supportters....just for everything they have done for us.....this is the greatest community i have ever lived in....:weed:


Well-Known Member
It's christmas eve and bird is wishing every one a merry christmas and blazed new year....a special merry christmas for the lovely and sensuous net :-)....


Well-Known Member
I am looking to switch my mothers from soil to DWC can anybody say weather or not to do it or don't? My current flood and drain tray for my SOG is just jamm'n but the mothers in soil, well they are not so hot...... Please help I have no fellow growers other that at the hydro store I shop at but I can't ask them for help!


Well-Known Member
I am looking to switch my mothers from soil to DWC can anybody say weather or not to do it or don't? My current flood and drain tray for my SOG is just jamm'n but the mothers in soil, well they are not so hot...... Please help I have no fellow growers other that at the hydro store I shop at but I can't ask them for help!
If it was me then i would get some clones off mother plant....start a mother dwc with the clone...then after I had the clone going...I would then let mother in dirt veg then i would bud her out in dirt and smoke her...the clone would then be a second generation from mother making her more potent even if a little....


Well-Known Member
That is exactly to the T what I was looking to do! Now the main question is can I light the DWC system with floro's untill I move my main mothers to the flowering room? and what kind of nuts would u use? I am using IONIC in my flood and drain (fowering system) and was looking to make the jump to the floranowa the grow and bloom nut's and sug.?


Well-Known Member
That is exactly to the T what I was looking to do! Now the main question is can I light the DWC system with floro's untill I move my main mothers to the flowering room? and what kind of nuts would u use? I am using IONIC in my flood and drain (fowering system) and was looking to make the jump to the floranowa the grow and bloom nut's and sug.?
as far as nutes i use miracle grow for veg and peters for bloom...it is cheap and affective....the flushing is what is important when using these type of fertilizers...later on i'm going to graduate to organic and see what the hype is about.....


Well-Known Member
Yeah y'all.. Merry christmas. I got my camera!!!! but no memory (didn't make it to my buddies house in time for him to bring it).

I was getting kinda bummed, went to the bedroom to smoke (20th floor) and as I went to tap out my cashed one hitter---- It went flying out the window. I went downstairs and OH YEAH... found it. Then I looked through some old crap and found a memory card (2GB) to hold me over till I get my new one (16GB). The camera is awesome, in fact I'm gonna take a pic right now to share!!!!


Active Member
Hey everybody. New to growing and new to the dwc club for sure. here's a pic of my setup.

Glad to be here. learnin a lot. check out my grow journal.