dwc experts please need some advice


Active Member
hi guys im gonna be doing a dwc next week my 2nd this time im gonna be using ro water with 0 tds and using the whole canna aqua range does these canna nutes have all that i will need or do i need more supplements as im gonna using 0 td ro water and info greatly appreciated manythanks


Well-Known Member
I would say every feed line need a few supplements, I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND a beneficial bacteria, I lost 20k due to root rot all because one exhust fan got turned off in the res temp got to 80, the roots became very slimy if I had the BB then everything would have been ok. Also I like botanicare the best out of all the plant food lines. One its organic two I have had some really good yields and the tastest stuff ever had, the only supplements I used with it was the beneficial bacteria PK 13-14 Sweet and Botanicare and I was hitting 11/4-11/2 lbs under a 600w.


Well-Known Member
hi guys im gonna be doing a dwc next week my 2nd this time im gonna be using ro water with 0 tds and using the whole canna aqua range does these canna nutes have all that i will need or do i need more supplements as im gonna using 0 td ro water and info greatly appreciated manythanks
hi there cal-mag because ro strips the water ov everthing

or if ya usin 3part jus add abit ov micro in the water


Active Member
I use R/O water and because of such I MUST use calmag.
I also run Beneficial bacteria, I follow heisenbergs recipee, and it allows me to run res temps in the mid 70s In fact I do that because after I found out about beneficials tto defeat some brown slime algae, I also found that roots develop best in the mid 70s however so do bacteria that cause root dissease, but if runnin beneficial bacteria, the bad microorganisms are kept in check.
I use the GH3part Flora grow, flora micro, and flora bloom.


Well-Known Member
You will be 100% fine using Cannas entire line!! I plan on switching, their products and the results I've seen just using rhizotonic is amazing. Canna's nutes are designed to be run with R/O and they claim you hardly ever need to PH! I would not add anything to that line that's just my 2 cents. They have it all.