Dutch masters reverse changing male to female and hermies to female ???


Active Member
I understand that this product (Dutch Master's Reverse) can actually chance the sex of a male plant or a hermie to an actual FEMALE plant, is this true?:idea:


Well-Known Member

Hey dr.feelgood, welcome to RUI!

Dutch Master Reverse will slow or stop the production of bananas in sexually unstable females.

It will not turn a male to female, nor will it stop most banana production. Mostly slows.

It's good to have on hand, you must buy DM Penetrator for it to work properly.


I'll have the hermie section to weed science compiled and up loaded with an index by the weekend, until then this is a linear hermie thread, time consuming but all of the info is there:



The best treatment for hermies is to pluck the VISIBLE bananas with these:



Well-Known Member
Ok, so what if your plant is definitely a female? Would DM provide it extra "ooompffff" with the saturator or does the DM saturator work just as good on a definite female alone without the Reverse?


Well-Known Member
Hoping this "bump up" will help get me a good answer on the above question... +rep for answer from an experienced user of Dutch Master.


Dutch master penetrator is the only product that DM makes that I reccomend. It works fine as a wetting agent, but it doesnt affect plant sex in any way.
"reverse" is a snake oil product designed to take advantage of growers who are poorly informed. If your genes are pushing out bananas without the plants being stressed, then get new genes.