dumb question


Active Member
on days when your like feeling 50/50 on weather to water or not . Is it best to water or just let it dry out a bit more . I guess i am not keen on the tell tell signs she will give meeither way as far as looking at the plant itself . I have been doing the finger in the dirt method of just checking to see if it sticks to my finger or not . plants look pretty good overall . real minor nute burn but i'm back off half on my nutes for a week . So do the leaf edges go up to form like canoe shape when she needs water ? tip drops and just looks heavy when over watered ? like i said it's not life or death just want to be one of those dudes that can know everything just by looking at her for a few sec .

cannabis love

Well-Known Member
Generally, if the leaves are drooping, it's a sign that the plant needs water, sorta like barometric pressure (for lack of a better term) - when they have positive pressure i.e. water, they are perky.
The leaves of a over-watered plant wilt because the roots are asphyxiating.

I hope this helps a little.
From my limited experience so far I have learned a few things about watering. A fellow on another thread refered me to a link about the 'Lift the Pot' method. Where you have a control pot filled with the same dirt that is almost dry, you then compare the weight of the control pot to your plants. You know what I mean though by going by the weight of the pot? I have been applying this method to my own grow and I'm picking up the technique fairly easily.

One sign that my plants show that they need more water is the leaves start drooping, like hanging heavy like you said, but I think thats kind of bad to let them wait that long, correct me if im wrong someone.

I am just learning too but this is what I know!

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
All of the above is correct, remember that the roots do need to dry out a bit before watering. To get a feel for it water until you saturate the soil, and you get runoff. Feel the weight of the pot. Then let it dry out, and feel the weight again. That's the best way to tell when to water. Always water until you get runoff.


Active Member
From my limited experience so far I have learned a few things about watering. A fellow on another thread refered me to a link about the 'Lift the Pot' method. Where you have a control pot filled with the same dirt that is almost dry, you then compare the weight of the control pot to your plants. You know what I mean though by going by the weight of the pot? I have been applying this method to my own grow and I'm picking up the technique fairly easily.

One sign that my plants show that they need more water is the leaves start drooping, like hanging heavy like you said, but I think that's kind of bad to let them wait that long, correct me if i'm wrong someone.

I am just learning too but this is what I know!
I'm trying to grow trees here not bonzi bushes . I'm in 25 gallon totes . not one gallon pots . No really my mentor told me to use big pots because they are more forgiving for rookie growers . Plants will naturally get bigger faster if you don't have to transplant twice and or deal with bound roots . My girls are fine i was just wondering what is safer overwater slightly or under . I mean it's not like they get water on schedule in nature .


Active Member
All of the above is correct, remember that the roots do need to dry out a bit before watering. To get a feel for it water until you saturate the soil, and you get runoff. Feel the weight of the pot. Then let it dry out, and feel the weight again. That's the best way to tell when to water. Always water until you get runoff.
that is something i have not been doing .. Thanks you i have not been giving them near enough. This is why i post thank you .


Ursus marijanus
If you don't mind keeping a sharp eye on them, underwatering a bit seems safer to me. (I'll add my voice to that of the more experienced growers above.) When the leaves begin to droop a bit from hydrostatic "underinflation" (also as mentioned ... great metaphor, cannabis love!) you give'm some water. Especially in your enormous soil reservoirs, you want the soil dry enough that oxygen will diffuse into the soil and root structure.
hope this helps; cn

<edit> Watering such a large soil reservoir until runoff is something i would not recommend ... unless you have some positive way to ensure root aeration.